*** The first round of course application deadline has passed on July 31st, 2022. We will announce here when there are future rounds. In the meantime, if you'd like to learn mindfulness, we recommend free resources on the Mindfulness resource page. 第一輪課程申請已於2022年7月31日截止, 未來的輪次將在這裡宣布。如果你想現在就開始學習靜觀,可以參考我們推荐免費靜觀學習資源。***

Are you feeling overwhelmed by postgraduate studies? Do you have difficulty resting the mind when you want to? Mindfulness may help! Mindfulness is a scientifically-proven set of skills for de-stressing and improving one's mind and wellbeing. The Finding Peace in a Frantic World and mindfulness courses of the MBCT curricula, currently offered to students at top universities and international parliamentarians, have been found in research to be effective.

We cordially invite research postgraduate students in Hong Kong and Macau to participate in this free 8-week online Finding Peace in a Frantic World course. As participants, you will learn mindfulness skills to improve wellbeing, as well as contribute to research on mindfulness.

研究生的學習壓力是否令你有點吃不消?想要靜下來休息時,腦袋卻停不了?靜觀(也稱「正念」)或會對你有幫助呢! 靜觀是一套經過科學證明的技能,可以減壓及改善身心健康。“在喧囂的世界獲取安寧” 這個靜觀課程及同系列課程目前提供給世界頂尖大學學生和國際議員, 研究證實有效

我們誠邀港澳在讀研究生參與這個免費的八周靜觀課程。作為參與者,你會學到靜觀技能, 提升身心健康, 更為靜觀研究作出貢獻。

Course Instructors 課程導師

Dr Melody Xu, University of Hong Kong 徐佳琪博士, 香港大學

Prof Katherine Chen, University of Macau 陳海瑛副教授, 澳門大學

Both instructors completed the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Foundational Teacher Training with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre. 兩位導師皆已完成牛津大學靜觀中心靜觀認知療法四階教師訓練

Language of Instruction: Participants can select to join Group A or Group B. 授課語言: 參加者可選擇語言組別.

Group A: Putonghua (Participants should have good enough Putonghua listening and reading ability, while discussion, spoken and written contributions to class can be conducted in any combination of English, Cantonese, and Putonghua)

A組: 普通話 (參加者需有足夠的普通話聽讀能力,課堂上的討論及答問則可用英語,廣東話,和普通話說寫)

Group B: English (Participants should have good enough English listening and reading ability, while discussion, spoken and written contributions to class can be conducted in any combination of English, Cantonese, and Putonghua)

B組: 英語 (參加者需有足夠的英語聽讀能力,課堂上的討論及答問則可用英語,廣東話,和普通話說寫)

Time Zone: Hong Kong/Macau (UTC+8)