
Where to buy the coursebook? 在那裏買課程用書?

English version: Mindfulness: A practical guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World. (Any edition is fine). Amazon kindle and paperback; Google e-book; Book depository

繁體中文版: 正念:八週靜心計畫,找回心的喜悅. 譯者: 吳茵茵 讀墨電子書

简体中文版: 正念禅修: 在喧嚣的世界中获取安宁. 译者: 刘海清. 微信读书; 亚马逊电子书

About this course

Written by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre

Mindfulness is a well-researched, secular and effective means of alleviating stress, anxiety and depression, and promoting well-being and flourishing. This practical course has been designed specifically with the needs of students in mind. Skills for supporting top performance and good mental health will be taught in eight weekly classes.

The course is based on the best-selling book, “Mindfulness: a Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World”, by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. It is suitable for anyone who wants a structured, practical, and highly accessible introduction to mindfulness. It is appropriate for people new to mindfulness, anyone who has tried mindfulness apps or perhaps read a book and wants the structure of a course led by a trained teacher.

What will I learn?

You will learn to cultivate mindfulness on two levels: First and foremost are the core mindfulness meditation practices. You will be taught a series of simple daily meditations that can be done almost anywhere. Some are as short as 3 minutes, while others may take 15 minutes. Second, mindfulness encourages you to break some of the unconscious habits of thinking and behaving that stop you living your life to the full. Many judgmental and self-critical thoughts arise out of habitual ways of thinking and acting. By breaking with unhelpful daily routines you’ll progressively dissolve some of these negative thinking patterns and become more mindful and aware.

You can read more about how a provision of mindfulness training could be an effective component of a wider student mental health strategy in this research.






