Learning Tools

machine learning:

1. Learning AI (Kaggle)

2. AI Notes (Link)

3. Large Dataset (Book_Link)

4. CNN (freeCodeCamp_Link)

5. AI idea development (OpenAI)

6. Tensor Flow (github_Link)

7. Deep Learning (caffe)

8. AI-related Book and Code (Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach)

VLSI Related:

1. RTL-to-GDSII Open source tool (OpenROAD)

2. Verilog (asic-world)

3. Verilog-to-routing (VTR)

4. Memory compiler (Cache ASIC design) (OpenRAM)

      i) Cornell Tutorial (ECE5745)

5. Live Hardware development (LiveHD)

6. Google PDK (skywater-pdk

7. Open source FPGA: https://github.com/FPGAwars

Internet of things (IOT):

1. Flow-based programming (nodered)


1. Git tutorial (link), a lecture (youtube)

2. Subversion control (SVN)

3. Shell commands (explainshell)