The primary research areas include Brain-inspired computing, neural network architecture exploration, Autonomous driving and CAN security, digital, analog, and mixed-signal CMOS ICs/SOCs for a variety of applications, verification and testing techniques for analog, digital and mixed-signal ICs, CAD tools for design and analysis of microprocessors and FPGAs, as well as interdisciplinary research projects.
August 17, 2024: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Program Committee (PC) member of the 10th IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference (NorCAS), Lund, Sweden, 2024.
July 23, 2024: Our IEEE T-ITS journal article "Graph-Based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks" reached more than "2000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
July 7, 2024: Our journal article "Reconfigurable CAN Intrusion Detection and Response System" is accepted in MDPI Sensors (Link), congratulations to Ph. D. student Rachit for his first journal.
May 21, 2024: Ph. D. student Dhandeep's poster "ADC-less Resonant Time-Domain Compute In-memory" received the top posters presentation recognition in the Annual COEIT research day at UMBC (Link)—many congratulations to Dhandeep.
May 21, 2024: Ph. D. student Samudra's poster "SoC managed 2 GHz RF energy harvesting power bank with 60 kHz RF UTC (NIST) slave clock experiment" received the honorable mention recognition in the Annual COEIT research day at UMBC (Link)—many congratulations to Samudra.
April 17, 2024: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2024 37th Symposium On Integrated Circuits And Systems Design (SBCCI) at João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
April 3, 2024: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2024 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) at New Jersey, USA.
April 2, 2024: Our conference article "A Resonant Time-Domain Compute-in-Memory (rTD-CiM) ADC-Less Architecture for MAC Operations" is accepted in the 34th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) as a poster presentation and will be included to the conference proceedings, congratulations to Ph. D. student Dhandeep for this excellent work.
February 19, 2024: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 34th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
February 18, 2024: Our Journal article "Benchmarking Artificial Neural Network Architectures for High-Performance Spiking Neural Networks" is accepted in MDPI Sensors (Link), congratulations to my undergraduate students Patrick Majurski and Jun Kwon.
January 24, 2024: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Program Committee (PC) member of the 19th International Conference On PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME), Larnaca, Cyprus, 2024.
December 28, 2023: Our journal article "State Estimation Adaptable to Cyber-Attack Using a Hardware Programmable Bank of Kalman Filters" is accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST), congratulations to Ph. D. student Saad Rahman and USNA group.
November 28, 2023: Prof. Riadul gave an invited talk, "GraphCAN: Graph-Based Controller Area Network Security," at International Cyber Security Center of Excellence (INCS-CoE), USA.
November 9, 2023: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Review Committee member (RCM) of the 75th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Singapore, 2024.
September 30, 2023: Prof. Riadul will be serving as an IEEE Senior Member Application Review Panel.
August 27, 2023: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, NV, USA.
August 24, 2023: Our conference article "Resonant Compute-In-Memory (RCIM) 10T SRAM Macro for Boolean Logic" is accepted in the 41st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) as a full-presentation, congratulations to Ph. D. student Dhandeep.
July 12, 2023: Our journal article "Design and Automation of Series Resonance Clocking in 14-nm FinFETs" is accepted in the Springer Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP) as a regular paper, congratulations to Ph. D. student Dhandeep for his first journal.
June 15, 2023: Our work is featured at Maryland Innovation Business news (MARYLANDINNO).
May 6, 2023: Two graduate students received the top two posters (out of ~45 submissions) presentation in our Annual CSEE research day at UMBC (Link)—many congratulations to Dhandeep and Sri.
April 5, 2023: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Program Committee (PC) member of the 2023 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) San Francisco, California, USA.
March 7, 2023: Our Journal article "Feasibility Prediction for Rapid IC Design Space Exploration" reached more than "1000" downloads from!!
February 1, 2023: Our IEEE T-ITS journal article "Graph-Based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks" reached more than "1000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
January 25, 2023: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 33rd ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
January 24, 2023: Prof. Riadul received Department of Defense (DoD) award on "IC Systems, Testing and Verification towards Secure Operation and Remote Attestation of IoT Devices," PI: Prof. Ryan Robucci, Project period (2022 - 2023), $127K.
January 18, 2023: Prof. Riadul gave an invited talk, "Machine Learning in VLSI and Computational Resiliency & Security," at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh, Organized by IEEE BUET Student Branch.
January 8, 2023: Best paper award 2023 IEEE ICREST, congratulations to my undergraduate students Patrick Majurski and Jun Kwon.
January 2 ,2023: Prof. Riadul gave an invited talk, "VLSI Design & Automation," at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Organized by IEEE EDS Student Branch Chapter University of Dhaka.
December 1, 2022: Prof. Riadul received External grant from Northrop Grumman Multi-PI: Riadul Islam and Ryan Robucci, $100K.
November 23, 2022: Our Conference article "Exploring High-Level Neural Networks Architectures for Efficient Spiking Neural Networks Implementation" is accepted in 2023 IEEE ICREST, congratulations to my undergraduate students Patrick Majurski and Jun Kwon.
September 18, 2022: Three graduate students Debanjan Das, Disha Rajendrabhai Jayswal, and Ramasai Mamidala joined UMBC VLSI-SOC group.
September 8, 2022: Two graduate students Shaylee Fereidounfar and Akram Mohammad joined UMBC VLSI-SOC group.
August 16, 2022: Our Conference article "Degradable Tracking System based on Hardware Multi-Model Estimators" is accepted in 2022 IEEE (Resilience Week), congratulations to corresponding graduate student Saad, UMBC group, and USNA group.
August 11, 2022: Our Journal article "Early-Stage DRC Prediction Using Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms" is accepted in IEEE Transactions on CJECE (CJECE) as a Regular Paper.
July 9, 2022: Prof. Riadul joined as an Associate Editor of Springer Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing (CSSP) Journal.
July 3, 2022: Prof. Riadul has been elected to be a member of the VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee (VSA-TC) of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE-CAS). Thank you to the VSA-TC Chair and the members for the support.
July 2, 2022: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Session Chair of "Testing, Reliability and Fault Tolerance" of the 32nd ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
May 25, 2022: Prof. Riadul is serving as a Topic Lead Editor of Frontiers in Communications and Networks Journal.
May 13, 2022: Congratulations to Dhandeep for successfully defending his Masters' thesis.
April 29, 2022: Prof. Riadul elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
April 6, 2022: Our Journal article "Feasibility Prediction for Rapid IC Design Space Exploration" is accepted in MDPI electronics (Link) as a Regular Paper.
April 5, 2022: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Program Committee (PC) member of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) San Diego, California, USA.
February 21, 2022: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2022 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) Aliathon Resort, Pafos, Cyprus.
February 01, 2022: Thanks to Rezonent Inc. for the generous equipment gift.
January 14, 2022: Our conference article "Power and Skew Reduction Using Resonant Energy Recycling in 14-nm FinFET Clocks" is accepted in the (ISCAS) as a full-presentation, congratulations to Ph. D. student Dhandeep for his first paper.
January 7, 2022: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 32nd ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
January 5, 2022: Our ISQED article "A Highly Reliable SEU Hardened Latch and High Performance SEU Hardened Flip-Flop" reached more than "1000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
December 16, 2021: Prof. Riadul received National Science Foundation (NSF) award, PI: Prof. Riadul, Project period (2022 - 2024), $200K.
December 9, 2021: Prof. Riadul received Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) award, PI: Prof. Riadul, Project period (2022 - 2023), $100K. Congratulations to my industrial partner Oculi and Co-PI Prof. Ryan Robucci.
December 8, 2021: Our IEEE TVLSI Journal article "CMCS: Current-Mode Clock Synthesis" reached more than "1000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
November 23, 2021: Our Journal article "GGNB: Graph-Based Gaussian Naive Bayes Intrusion Detection System for CAN Bus" accepted in Elsevier Vehicular communications (VEHCOM) as a Regular Paper.
November 13, 2021: Prof. Riadul received Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) award, PI: Prof. Riadul, Project period (2022 - 2023), $115K.
October 13, 2021: Prof. Riadul gave an invited talk, "Electronic Design Automation and Network Security," at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
June 29, 2021: Prof. Riadul received Silicon Valley industrial award on "EDA for next-generation microprocessors," PI: Prof. Riadul, Project period (2021 - 2024), $0.45M.
June 26, 2021: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
June 22, 2021: Prof. Riadul received Office of Naval Research (ONR) award, PI: Prof. Robucci, Project period (2021 - 2024), $0.58M.
April 14, 2021: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 2021 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) Virtual.
March 16, 2021: Thanks to Maxim Integrated for the generous gift.
March 12, 2021: Our Conference article on Intrusion Detection System accepted in DAC21 WIP Session.
January 9, 2021: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 31th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI).
November 25, 2020: Our vehicular communications security research featured at AAAS and EurekAlert news (Link).
October 3, 2020: Our Journal article "Resonant Energy Recycling SRAM Architecture" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II (TCAS-II) as a Regular Paper.
September 16, 2020: Our Journal article "Graph-Based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) as a Regular Paper.
September 4, 2020: Prof. Riadul received Supplement for Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) award for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Semesters.
September 3, 2020: Prof. Riadul received Federal Work-Study (FWS) grant to support his undergraduate research assistants for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 Semesters.
June 26, 2020: Prof. Riadul received SURFF Award for Summer 2020.
June 23, 2020: Our US patent "System and method for a hybrid current-mode and voltage-mode integrated circuit (link)," issued.
April 6, 2020: Our Journal article "Improving CAN Bus Security by Assigning Dynamic Arbitration IDs" accepted in Springer Nature Journal of Transportation Security (JTRS) as a Regular Paper.
March 19, 2020: Prof. Riadul will give an invited talk at the IEEE Baltimore Chapter of Electron Devices & Solid-State Circuits on "Design Challenges in Advanced Technology Nodes." Location: The National Electronics Museum, Date/Time: Monday September 21, 2020.
January 14, 2020: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IEEE/ACM DAC 2020 LBR Session, San Francisco, CA, USA.
January 5, 2020: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the IEEE TENSYMP 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
December 10, 2019: Prof. Riadul will be serving as a Technical Program Committee (TPC) member of the 30th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Beijing, China.
August 25, 2019: New position available: I will be hiring fully-funded Ph.D. student in Fall 2020 in the area of VLSI, hardware security, neuromorphic computing, computer architecture, non-Von-Neumanm architecture, Quantum computing, machine learning, and related area. Please feel free to inform people if anyone interested in pursuing a Ph.D. at UMBC.
August 23, 2019: Dr. Islam joined UMBC as a tenure track assistant professor.
May 10, 2019: Our Conference article "Soft Voting-Based Ensemble Approach to Predict Early Stage DRC Violations" accepted for oral presentation at the IEEE 62nd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits & Systems MWSCAS19. Congratulations to the corresponding graduate student!!
March 26, 2019: Our Conference article "Predicting DRC Violations Using Ensemble Random Forest Algorithm" accepted in DAC19 Late Breaking Results (LBR) Session. Congratulations to the corresponding graduate student!!
March15, 2019: Prof. Riadul is invited to attend the upcoming NSF CAREER CISE Workshop at NSF Headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
March13, 2019: Call for paper Semiconductor Science and Information Devices Journal (.pdf), all submitted papers for the first 2 issues will be waived of Article Processing Charges (APC).
February 1, 2019: Our research highlighted in ACM SIGDA E-NEWSLETTER "Researcher Spotlight" section, published on 1 February 2019, Vol. 49, No. 2 .
January 21, 2019: Our Journal article "Low-Power Highly Reliable SET-Induced Dual-Node Upset Hardened Latch and Flip-Flop" accepted in IEEE Transactions on CJECE (CJECE) as a Regular Paper.
December 6, 2018: Our proposal entitled "Single Event Transient Induced Double Node Upset Hardened Memory System" received the Michigan space Grant Consortium (MSGC) grant Sponsored by NASA, Project period (1st January 2019 - 30 June 2020)!!
November 30, 2018: Our proposal entitled "Application of Machine Learning in CAN Bus Security" received the competitive ORSP Seed grant, Project period (1st January 2019 - 30th June 2020)!!
November 19, 2018: Our IEEE MWSCAS Conference article "TSPC-DICE: A single phase clock high performance SEU hardened flip-flop" reached more than "1000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
October 5, 2018: Our Journal article "Negative Capacitance Clock Distribution" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC) as a Regular Paper.
October 1, 2018: Our Journal article "High-Speed On-Chip Signaling: Voltage or Current-Mode?" accepted in IETE Transactions on Journal of Research (TIJR) as a Regular Paper.
September 5, 2018: Our work highlighted in STMicroelectronics blog "UM-Dearborn Students Put ST in the Driver Seat of their Driverless Car."
August 16, 2018: Our Journal article "HCDN: Hybrid-Mode Clock Distribution Networks" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I) as a Regular Paper.
August 9, 2018: Our IEEE TCAS-I Journal article "Low-Power Clock Distribution Using a Current-Pulsed Clocked Flip-Flop" reached more than "1000" downloads from IEEE Xplore Digital Library!!
July 14, 2018: Prof. Riadul is in University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Alumnus News (Link).
June 12, 2018: Our Journal article "Low-Power Resonant Clocking Using Soft Error Robust Energy Recovery Flip-Flops" accepted in Springer Nature Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) as a Regular Paper.
May 14, 2018: Our Journal article "DCMCS: Highly Robust Low-Power Differential Current-Mode Clocking and Synthesis" accepted in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (TVLSI) as a Regular Paper.
February 20, 2018: Our Conference article "Low-Jitter Hybrid-Mode Clock Distribution Networks " accepted in DAC18 WIP Session.
January 16, 2018: Dr. Riadul awarded with UCSC inventor IRP 2017 award (news).
December 8, 2017: Our MOSIS proposal got accepted.
October 10, 2017: Our US patent "Current-Mode Clock Distribution," issued.
September 1, 2017: Dr. Riadul Islam joined University of Michigan Dearborn ECE Department as an Assistant Professor.