Words, Images, & Music


One of the most common places we see Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our lives recently is through Words (ChatGPT), Images (Midjourney), and Music (Chrome Music Lab). In this module you will learn how AI interacts in our daily lives, as well as create products with these on your own. You will also explore ways these could be used in a classroom setting. 

Words, Images, & Music

AI generators are computer programs that use artificial intelligence algorithms to create text, images, and music. Their main purpose is to help people create content more easily and quickly, while preserving its quality. Imagine you are baking a cake, but instead of having to mix all the ingredients and bake it yourself, you have a robot that does it for you. AI generators work in a similar way, except they use code and data instead of flour and sugar.

AI generators can be used in education to help students learn new concepts by generating interactive content, such as quizzes or simulations and can be a powerful tool for creating content and fostering creativity, while making the process more efficient.


Once you have completed all pages in this module, you will:

To create a Social Media video in Canva to showcase what you found. You will include a summarized list from the text generators, the three images you created and the background music for your video.