
 The intersection of AI and ethics is complicated, to say the least.  Now that you've learned a bit about the technical side of AI, it is time to consider how AI does, or does not, meet our ethical expectations as it is integrated into more and more of our lives.  

The video below is a documentary titled, Coded Bias. The documentary examines the ethics of AI by looking at how facial recognition and financial software built on algorithms discriminates against people of color and women.  You can read a bit about the documentary here

Relying on the work of many scholars of AI, including Joy Buolamwini, Deborah Raji, Meredith Broussard, Cathy O’Neil, Zeynep Tufekci, Safiya Noble, Timnit Gebru, Virginia Eubanks, and Silkie Carlo, the documentary makes clear the ways in which AI only reinforces existing bias.  


If you want to learn more about these issues, you can read Dr. O'Neil's Weapons of Math Destruction.  You can also explore the Algorithmic Justice League, which was founded by Dr. Buolamwini.