Artificial Intelligence for
Preservice Teachers


Welcome to your artificial intelligence (AI) course. This course is designed to give preservice teachers a basic understanding of AI, its use in creating products, and the connected ethical considerations. To progress through the course, use the navigation buttons on the top of your screen or the navigation tiles below. 

 What AI topics will you focus on? 

What type of artifacts will you create?

How will this course prepare you for teacher certification? The course will prepare you to meet the following Texas Teacher Certification Standards: 

(E) Demonstrates knowledge of several types of materials and resources (including technological resources and resources outside the school) that may be used to enhance student learning and engagement and evaluates the appropriateness of specific materials and resources for use in particular situations, to address specific purposes and to meet varied student needs.

(F) Knows how to incorporate the effective use of current technology; use technology applications in problem-solving and decision-making situations; implement activities that emphasize collaboration and teamwork; and use developmentally appropriate instructional practices, activities, and materials to integrate the Technology Applications TEKS into the curriculum. 

(B) Knows and adheres to legal and ethical requirements regarding the use of educational resources and technologies (e.g., copyright, Fair Use, data security, privacy, acceptable use policies).

Intro to the Basic of AI

This section defines AI, provides an overview of the common techniques that are used in AI, and explains common categories of AI.

Words, Images, Music

This section requires you to make AI products and reflect upon your experience by creating a video.  


This section provides a video about the ethics of using AI and requires you to check your understanding with questions embedded in that video.