
As a group, we value scientific excellence coupled with the highest ethical standards. Indeed, these two desiderata go hand in hand. Feynman famously said "Be honest with yourself first, and the rest is easy". That's how the group runs: we value honesty about one's results, about uncertainties in them, challenges ahead, and lessons learned.  To enable this, we seek to create an environment of mutual trust, safety, respect, and professional behavior. This is essential so that everyone in the group feels comfortable being open and seeking support regarding challenges they might face in their research or professional lives.

As a mentor, I value above all supporting my students in whatever their goals are---be that continuing in science, or moving to industry, or something completely different. No one does good science out of unhappiness, so my first priority is my students' and postdocs' finding a good work-life balance and enjoying what they do. 

I make myself fully available to my students, and that means they can and should call if they have any problem they think I can help with.