
Worked with the group for a year, starting from the UF Astronomy REU summer 2021 (advised by Dr. Jiamin Hou and ZS). Now graduate student at Princeton.

Worked on a direct-counting GPU code for N-Point Correlation Functions. 

Presented at AAS 2023 meeting. 

Worked with the group via the UF Astronomy REU summer 2021.

Explored signatures of primordial non-Gaussianity in the even-parity 4-Point Correlation Function. 

Worked with the group for 2 years, starting from the UF Astronomy REU summer 2020. Now graduate student and Hertz Fellow at Princeton.

Developed SARABANDE, a Fast Fourier Transform-based version of the 3 and 4PCF algorithms of the group, publicly available in python. Using for studies of MHD turbulence with current group member Victoria Williamson.

Sunseri, Slepian, Portillo, Hou, Kahraman, & Finkbeiner, SARABANDE: 3/4 point correlation functions with fast Fourier transforms, RASTI.

Presented at AAS 2023 meeting.

Code here.

Worked with the group for 3 years while a UF undergrad. Now graduate student at UF.

Developed a new method to accelerate fitting the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Scale in the 2-Point Correlation Function, Taylor-expanding around its best known value to enable quick determination of the fit.

Hansen, Krolewski, & Slepian, Accelerating BAO scale fitting using Taylor series, MNRAS.  

Code here.

Nina Brown

Worked with the group for 3 years while a UF undergrad. Now post-bac at University of Chicago.

Project on reconstructing the baryon-dark matter relative velocity in the local Universe to see if it could have impacted formation of the Milky Way.

Worked with the group for 3 years while a UF undergrad. Now master's student in physics at National Central University, Taiwan.

Generalized double and triple spherical Bessel function integrals to singular cases where the integral diverges but the result can be expressed as Dirac delta functions and their derivatives.

Meigs & Slepian, On a General Method for Resolving Integrals of Multiple Spherical Bessel Functions Against Power Laws into Distributions, in submission.

Worked with the group 2020-2021 on various projects during Philcox's PhD. Several of the papers he co-authored with our group became thesis chapters (ch. 16, 17, and 18). His continuing work on parity violation also stems from his work with our group. Now post-doc at Simons Foundation/Columbia.

We collaborated on a large number of projects, ranging from the ENCORE NPCF algorithm, which used work by ZS and Bob Cahn on isotropic basis functions to extend the 3PCF algorithm of ZS and Daniel Eisenstein, to novel studies of data with this code, to integral identities for spherical Bessel functions, to a new approach to spherical collapse and Kepler's equation. Papers below.

Philcox & Slepian, Beyond the Yamamoto approximation: Anisotropic power spectra and correlation functions with pairwise lines of sight, PRD.

Philcox, Slepian, Hou, Warner, Cahn, & Eisenstein, ENCORE: an O (Ng2) estimator for galaxy N-point correlation functions, MNRAS.

Philcox & Slepian, Efficient computation of N-point correlation functions in D dimensions, PNAS.

Philcox, Hou & Slepian, A First Detection of the Connected 4-Point Correlation Function of Galaxies Using the BOSS CMASS Sample, submitted.

Slepian & Philcox, A uniform spherical goat (problem): explicit solution for homologous collapse's radial evolution in time, MNRASL.

Philcox, Goodman, & Slepian, Kepler’s Goat Herd: An exact solution to Kepler’s equation for elliptical orbits, MNRAS. 

Hou, Cahn, Philcox, & Slepian, Analytic Gaussian covariance matrices for galaxy N -point correlation functions, PRD.

Philcox & Slepian, An exact integral-to-sum relation for products of Bessel functions, PRSA.

Master's advising and one project. Now PhD student at UF with Narayanan group.

We developed a new, efficient method to use a more exact line of sight to galaxy triplets, to lessen the impact of wide-angle redshift-space distortions when measuring the redshift-space 3-Point Correlation Function.

Garcia & Slepian, Improving the line of sight for the anisotropic 3-point correlation function of galaxies: Centroid and Unit-Vector-Average methods scaling as 𝒪 (N2), MNRAS.

Advised as a PhD student at the University of Chicago. Now consultant at Boston Consulting Group.

Worked on.

Advised as a summer intern at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Now astronomy PhD student at Northwestern.

Worked on developing the analytic covariance template to enable an analysis of the anisotropic 3PCF in the basis of spherical harmonics suggested by Slepian & Eisenstein 2017.

Andrew Song

Advised as a summer student at Harvard through MIT's Research Science Institute program and then for another summer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. BA at Columbia as an Egleston Scholar.

Worked on a .

Advised as a summer student at Harvard through MIT's Research Science Institute program. Now a physics and astronomy PhD student at the University of Queensland.

Worked on a .

Received award for one of the ten best final research presentations in RSI.

Sule Kahraman

Advised as a summer student at Harvard through MIT's Research Science Institute program

Worked on a Fourier-Transform-based implementation of the 3PCF algorithm of Slepian & Eisenstein 2016,  subsequently used in our studies of the 3PCF of MHD turbulence simulations in Portillo, Slepian, Burkhart, Kahraman, & Finkbeiner 2018 and eventually culminating in the SARABANDE package of Sunseri, Slepian, Portillo, Kahraman, & Finkbeiner (2023).