
Open Shop

Come by to work on your bike! We put out stands every day during operating hours and encourage people to do their own repairs. We, the volunteers, are there to help in any way we can whether it be mechanical assistance or moral support as you struggle with a rusted bolt. We are always happy to walk you through things. No bike experience is necessary to come to open shop!

We highly suggest anyone and everyone bring a few dollars to donate (all proceeds go to the bike coop's survival). We recommend donating $1-5 for simple tool use and $5-10 for more intensive tool use or volunteer assistance.

Retail (New and Used)

We have locks, lights, helmets, etc. We have new brake pads, chains, tubes, etc. We also have used parts for repairs. Space is limited so we sometimes don't have a wide a selection of used parts, but it's always worth stopping by to check.

All saftey equipment is marked at a “student-discount” rate. No, you do not have to be a student to redeem this. The shop is just dedicated to making alternative transportation more accessible.

Work Orders

If you are in a rush or today's just not the day to fix your bike but you need it done, bring your bike in for a work order. Our experienced volunteer staff will fix up your bike at a very reduced rate.

We do safety checks and general tune-ups as well as more complex maintenance. Bring your bike by for an estimate! We can order any new components that might be needed.

Note: Because of limited space we cannot store work orders for very long. If we text you that your order is ready please come by to pick it up at your earliest convenience!