ArmSwinger (deprecated)

How to import prefab:

  1. Replace [CameraRig] with CameraRig - ArmSwinger + PhotoSphere
  2. Set any background material you want to collide with to the layer "ArmSwinger Compatible"

How to use:

To begin moving, squeeze at least one controller's grip and swing your arms in the direction you'd like to go. To move backwards, lift controllers above shoulders and swing using elbows. Speed and direction is controlled by the speed and rotation of your controllers. You can move your headset freely while walking without affecting your direction.

ArmSwinger has the optional ability to "rewind" your position if you go "out of bounds". This is enabled by default. Reasons for out of bounds include any or all of - headset into a wall, trying to climb a surface that is too steep, trying to fall down a surface that is too steep, trying to wall walk a steep surface, and the headset colliding with geometry. All of these features are enabled by default with sane values.

When armswinging, your play area is what moves. So once you stop armswinging, you can still move around your play area, and still traverse up and down hills with real walking.

Prevents climbing of ramps 45+ degrees and walking down ramps 60+ degrees

Rewinds you back by fading out then fading in. Happens when player tries to walk into objects in "Prevent Wall Clip Layer Mask" and fall down steep cliffs.

Push back prevents you from moving period. Happens when trying to walk up steep ramps. Push back has a token bucket which holds 90 tokens maximum. 1 second refills 30 tokens, but if Push Back is called so much that the bucket is empty, Rewind will be called and procedure above will occur.

Link to official github instructions: