Cassette Player


The cassette player is attached onto the InfoPanel and plays audio narration related to the InfoPanel's landmark upon spawning alongside the InfoPanel. It can be picked up and taken with you away from the InfoPanel - allowing the user to continue to learn about the landmark, but be free to explore and look around.

The player also has 3D spatial sound, meaning if you drop it and move away from it, it will behave similar to real life where sound has decay.

Finally, once you get tired of listening about a landmark, there is something you can do with the cassette player to get rid of it! Look around the park, and see if you can find this easter egg!

How to use:

  • Currently, the Cassette Player requires the InfoPanel to work - after all, they go hand in hand. Therefore, the steps to use the Cassette Player involve the InfoPanel as well.
  • Drag the InfoPanel prefab from under Assets/Prefabs/Infopanel With Cassette into the scene and position it where you want.
  • On the first layer of the prefab in the component called Info Panel Settings, add images and movie textures to the Image Textures array.
  • The Start Textures Index simply indicates which texture the slideshow will start on (which is useful when modifying large lists of images to prevent having to manually move them forward or back one slot).
  • Now also add the narration (AudioClip) file that you wish the cassette player to play onto Cassette Clip.