A company called K16 Solutions migrated courses from the Original Interface to the Ultra interface for Tulsa Community College.  For those that taught in the Spring, you will see a new site in the Ultra interface for each unique course you taught this spring." Online Learning has combed the schedule to determine which courses need an Ultra interface version. For example,  

      If you teach three sections of the same course in the classroom, we selected one section.

      If you teach three sections of the same course, but taught online, blended, and one in the classroom, we will provide you with a copy of all three sections.

      If you taught one course in an 8-week and 16-week format, you would receive a copy of both Blackboard sites.

 If you need K16 Solutions to convert a site for you, please complete the Migration Form.  The next batch of migrations will occur in early fall 2023. 

If you copy content 

Finding Your Migrated Course Site

Search for the migrated course by typing .ultra in the search box. These courses are not assigned to a term so make sure your view is set to "Current Courses." Image of Search Box

Video Demonstration - Finding Your Migrated Course Site(s)

Deleting Old Course Menu Items from the Content Page

 When you open your site,  you will see links to tools that were on the course menu of  Original interface (Announcements, Discussions, Send Email, Student Grades,  Library Resources, Course Materials, Course Feedback Survey, and any other tool links you may have added).  These links will not work and need to be deleted.    You will see a link labeled  Stub: Name of Tool if you click them.  If you click the link,  you will get an error.  There is a migration log at the bottom of the content page that will help you identify these broken tool links.

You can bulk delete these by following the steps below:

Video Demonstration- Bulk Delete Tool Links

 Recreating Tool Links

Announcements, Discussion, Gradebook, and Messages are available on the Navigation bar.  You do not need to recreate these.

Library Resources, Course Materials, Course Feedback Survey, and any other tool links you may have added need to be recreated.

Video Demonstration of Adding Tool Links

 Panopto Videos

There are many ways to add your Panopto videos to a course site.  Most seem to be in place,  but you should check them to ensure they work. Image of Search Box


Click on the Announcement link on the navigation bar.  Remove or reset the dates that these announcements are available.  Otherwise,  the announcements will be available.  Bulk actions for Announcements are on the Ultra Roadmap  but are not yet available.

Respondus Tests

Tests that were set up to require Respondus  will migrate,  but the connection to the Respondus Lockdown Browser must be reestablished.  The integration tool works differently and better in Ultra.  Students open the test in any browser, which triggers the Lockdown browser to open.