
Current focus

Thanks to advances in the next generation sequencing technologies, many thousands of noncoding RNAs (ncRNA) and regulatory elements called enhancers  have been identified throughout the human genome. Recent studies, including our own, pointed to the novel role of ncRNAs in coordinating with proteins to drive gene expression in a cell-type specific manner via chromatin modulation (Trinh et al, Blood J, 2021). Nevertheless, most ncRNAs and enhancers remains to be precisely mapped and functionally defined. The research goals of the Trinh lab are to understand how proteins and ncRNAs coordinate in controlling gene expression, and to identify novel RNA regulators of cancer-associated genes for therapeutic development (Fig. 1). Specifically, we focus on understanding the role of proteins and RNAs via modulation of chromatin architecture in normal and malignant myelopoiesis, and myeloid cell-tumor cell communication in the tumor microenvironment as well as cancer drug resistance. To that end, the lab employs a combination of experimental and computational approaches.

Dr. Trinh talked about our the research program on UVA School of Medicine Medicine in Motion News

1. Protein-ncRNA coordination in myeloid cell development and AML

Failure in myeloid cell mat­u­ration is the cause of acute my­eloid leuke­mia (AML), a blood cancer with very poor patient outcome. We hypothesize that ncRNAs coordinate with pro­teins, in governing expression of im­portant myeloid genes via chromatin looping, and that aberrations in this molecular coordination contribute to AML progression (Fig. 2). To this end, we are 1) comprehensively characterizing protein-binding ncRNAs and demon­strate the effect of Protein-ncRNA coordination on chromatin architecture and epigenetic marks at myeloid gene loci, 2) determining ncRNA regula­tors of mye­loid gene expression, and 3) demon­strating that fusion proteins exhib­its their oncogenic functions through modulating ncRNAs. These studies will provide important mechanistic insights into protein- and ncRNA-medi­ated gene regulation in normal development and cancer progression.

Related studies: Trinh et al, Blood J, 2021; Trinh and Tenen, US patent application, 2020; van der Kouwe et al., Blood 2021

Figure 2. Working model for gene regulations by ncRNAs and proteins via chromatin structure in normal myeloid development and AML.      E: Enhancer, P: Promoter

2. Protein-ncRNA coordination in cancer drug response

Drug re­sistance is a ma­jor prob­lem in cancer treatment. To comprehen­sively investi­gate the role of ncRNA-pro­tein mediated gene regula­tion via chro­matin struc­ture in drug response, we are 1) leveraging bioinfor­mat­ic and biostatistical anal­yses of big data sets in identify­ing protein-ncRNA candi­dates that are respon­sive to popu­lar cancer drugs, 2) de­vel­op­ing genome wide CRISPR screens to identify ncRNA modula­tors of drug responses, and 3) de­termining ncRNA-medi­ated regulatory mecha­nisms in drug sensi­tiv­ity. The goals are to identify and estab­lish ncRNAs and proteins as diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets (Fig. 3)

Related studiesTrinh et al, Blood J, 2021; Trinh et al, Cancer Res, 2013

Figure 3. Flowchart of studies for protein-ncRNA coordination in drug response

3. Protein-ncRNA coordination in the tumor microenvironment

This line of study combines our current expertise in myeloid cell research and earlier experience with solid cancer research. Increasing evidence indicate the important role of myeloid cells in solid cancer progression but the molecular mechanisms by which these immune cells and tumor cells communicate with each others within the tumor microenvironment is not well understood. Using experimental and bioinformatics methods, we are inves­tigating the role of protein-ncRNA hubs in myeloid cell-cancer cell communication and their effects on tumor hallmarks (Fig. 4).

Related studies: Myeloid cells (Trinh et al, Blood J, 2021; Trinh et al, J Cell Sci, 2015). Solid cancer hallmarks (Trinh et al, Cancer Res, 2013; Trinh et al, Oncogene, 2009; Haria, Trinh et al, Am J Pathol, 2015; Trinh et al, Mol Cancer 2015)

Figure 4. Protein-ncRNA crosstalk in myeloid cell-cancer cell communication in the tumor microenviron­ment

4. Therapeutic strategies "renormalizing" chromatin structure

We are developing therapeutic approaches based on protein-ncRNA hubs that control the formation of  gene-activating chromatin loops. The goal is to renormalize chromatin structures in cancer cells toward what seen in normal cells leading to normal cell growth and differentiation (Fig. 5)

Related studies: Trinh et al, Blood J, 2021; Trinh and Tenen, US patent application, 2020.

Figure 5. Toward renor­malizing chromatin structures

Earlier research

In previous research, we investigated regulatory mechanisms mediated by tumor-promoting proteins that function as transcription factors in cancer and normal cells. This leads to several mech­anistic findings, explaining cancer resistance to the antigrowth factor TGF-b (Trinh et al, Oncogene, 2009) and chemotherapeutic drugs (Trinh et al, Cancer Res, 2013), tumor angiogene­sis and metastasis (Haria, Trinh et al, Am J Pathol, 2015; Trinh et al, Mol Cancer 2015) as well as normal blood cell development (Trinh et al, J Cell Sci, 2015). Learn more