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A wide variety of subjects: karma, consciousness' development, fortune-telling, esoterism, chakras, perception, free will, magnetism…

Some articles are very simple and invite to reflect on our motivations at the time of asking for a personal reading or a synastry. Other articles go deeper into the subjects and are specially dedicated to those practicing Astrology.

On Karmic Astrology 

Brief although profound notes about karma: for meditating on what it is, and understand the profits of counting on a karmic birth chart reading. 

Stable planets and variable signs

There are two ways to read the relation between planets and signs: by starting from signs towards planets, or from planets towards signs. The interpretation depends on that.

Three approaches in Astrology

Planets are part of special series according to their distribution in the 360º arch division of a birth chart. And each one of them takes the lead depending on the subject being considered: karma, development or free will. The article gathers the series and mentions their main vital and esoteric functions.

The magnetic network

Jupiter and Uranus are magnetic main characters during vital development, and rule the physical side (Uranus) and magnetic side (Jupiter) of affinities.

Karma and free will I

Karma changes over time, which can be appreciated in the experience, so we decide later what to do with it as the future comes.

Karma and free will II

We're not always interested in karma, although it's always useful to know if it is created, fixated or depleted.

The vital Astrology

How to identify vital characteristics in Astrology? Karma, density, etheric centers and corporal changes are subjects to be considered for an evolutional reading of a birth chart.

Astrological fusions

Vital energy flows through the centres of the etheric body, and each one of them is associated to a planet of the solar system. In planetary relations, the integration of energies is considered as a process of vital fusion and liberation from karma. 

Aquarius in the spotlight - Astrology article - Tres Mancias Consultancy

Aquarius in the spotlight

A brief review of astrological ages to finally include the famous Age of Aquarius, a sign with two rulers: the ancient Saturn and modern Uranus. Besides, the esoteric Astrology has added Jupiter as reflexive force, and Mars as the planet channeling intention.



The astral

Freeing energy that has been fixated because of karmic reasons is a critical process periodically involving some specific zodiacal signs. For changing birth frequency, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius take the lead during vital development

The mental

The mental (esoteric) expression of the Zodiac is definitory to redirect energy freed from birth karma. This is how psychic energy's development begins, with Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus taking the lead in the mental chart.

Three birth charts

For reading mental and magnetic charts, look for equivalent signs in different zodiacal tones, along with their rulers and most important meanings.

The ascendants

Signs on the horizon of astral, mental and magnetic charts are the mental direction for an evolutional development of consciousness.


Free Will in Astrology I

Start to read free will on a birth chart.  A sample with Winona Ryder's chart.

Free Will in Astrology II

Free will itself has a role in the esoteric development of a birth chart. An article to connect rising signs with the 5-pointed stars (psychic energy), by considering again Winona Ryder's compositions.

Free Will in Astrology III

There are esoteric paths for actively channel psychic energy, which changes karma and  development. A brief sample including planetary alignments on Winona Ryder's birth charts.

Free Will in Astrology IV

Reconsidering basic concepts is usually useful to meditate one more time on vitality, karma and free will as subjects inside of the esoteric Astrology.


Psychic energy and reincarnation

Key concepts to include the ātman chart of intention inside of an evolutional reading about vital development in esoteric Astrology. For reconsidering luminaries.

The comet effect

Energetic imbalances, polarized effects and lesser resistance pathways in emplacements and aspects on a birth chart. Derivations of concentration and fluency to be appreciated in free will. 

Astrological esoteric event in March 2022

During March 2022, an astrological esoteric event happened when Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune joined in Pisces, with Moon's nodes in Taurus and Scorpio, an event seen for the last time thousands years ago. 


Density in esoteric Astrology

Some karma and development signifiers show density changes in vital energy, which are related to reincarnation. An article of karmic and esoteric Astrology, including Michel Foucault's birth chart.

Dynamics of karma on a birth chart

Luminaries and rising signs combine their elements on a birth chart. Twelve transformations are part of a dynamic karmic scheme, and the article explains how to start a reading of this kind.


Inductions in esoteric Astrology

An article complementing Psychic series in Astrology, another article especially referring to the planets of perception (Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune). Psychic series... is part of Astrology & Esoterism, a group of articles on medium.com by Tres ManciasInductions... shows two examples about how to define intentional goals astrologically, for later setting esoteric formulas to reach them. The article includes Winona Ryder's charts and psychic stars.


Pluto in Aquarius: karma of a generation - Astrology post - Tres Mancias

Pluto in Aquarius: karma of a generation

Special article for those born between July and December 2023, mentioning karmic milestones to expect for during the upcoming 20 years as Pluto raises Aquarius. It also includes the way they will deplete the type of karma that brought them into the world, as Saturn completes its first cycle.


Karma and reincarnation in Saturn's cycle

A article complementing Reincarnation on a birth chart, published on medium.com, including more details and basic concepts. The article also explains in a better way how to read about reincarnation on a birth chart, according to what we're most interested in to know about,


Beyond birth time

Lunar nodes' chart fixates karma or, on the contrary, may provide keys to free energy. Some types of readings offer alternatives derived from development: for decreasing density in planetary aspects, after Saturn's first cycle.



Synastry: your astrological relationships

A synastry compares two people's birth charts. What must be included: karma and tendencies over time, by starting from elements and planetary aspects.

Synastry: vital relationships!

When comparing birth chart, consider two directions for planetary motion: clockwise and counterclockwise. Each one of them refers to an astrological meaning, but only one provides the keys for an evolutional reading on a relationship.

Synastry: compatibility

For reflecting on relational compatibility in Astrology, and the role of elements, intensities and planetary aspects.

Synastry: synchronicity

Time passing by brings synch and asynch moments on related birth charts. Changes come with annual seasons, and also with the elemental transmutation of signs.