Beyond birth time

by Julia Pérez Bustamante, in Tres Mancias Consultancy

After Saturn’s first cycle, there’s a chance for the solar system’s karma

The etheric interdependence between beings and things, far from remaining as an abstract esoteric axiom, is basic to karmic matters, and can be appreciated in the different panoramas displayed on a birth chart.

At birth time, the timeline points out days, months, years and cycles of different durations, depending on the transit or progression we’re considering. Saturn’s time is the first one we meet on a karmic chart, a time firstly expressed in Earth’s karma (aspects of luminaries) and, of course, in the system’s karma (planetary aspects). But before the first return, the system’s karma still remains unreachable in esoteric terms.

When birth karma of the Sun – Moon cycle ends, then the rings of Saturn are crossed, and other cycles of the chart (planetary ones) become more flexible in the concrete experience and contact. Before the first return, those cycles just are, displaying the energy they condense although it cannot be changed until birth forms (Sun – Moon) stop retaining vital energy. Whatever be the aspect between two planets, their karma can be appreciated by looking at the immediate conjunction previous to birth time, so the pathway both have transited since the pre-birth event can be seen.

The Moon doesn’t just have fixed itself but also the entire system… Magnetism coming out of its axis has conditioned its own expression, and also the planetary expression, beyond Earth, beyond Saturn. Depleting that karma is a process following the path of the closest physical densities: from Earth, through Saturn, and then towards the rest of the system. The same pathway has to be followed for an astrological reading of the process. And, although karma on Earth is better understood after looking at the system’s karma that holds it within, the last one is the latest karma to be depleted.

The absolute and the natal

Astrology & Karma is a series published on and includes a lot of references about the types of karma and the way to read them on a birth chart. One of the articles mentioned Donald Trump’s configuration, specifically to describe the karma of manifestation of a quaternary involving Mercury, the North karmic ruler (Gemini). The quaternary involves Mercury and Venus (esoteric polarity, Taurus), and their oppositions, which are esoteric polarities to each other: Pluto (Scorpio) and Jupiter (Sagittarius). Emplacements (signs and houses) indicate specific karmic situations and relations. 

The signifiers of karma of densification are better known, which are those of the Sun – Moon’s cycle: positions at birth, phase of the satellite, and pre & post-birth eclipses. Whereas the impel to repeat karmic patterns is also seen by looking at the house correlation when comparing the solar round and the lunar round.

Donald Trump's birth chart and karmic houses. Astrology in Tres Mancias Consultancy.

Donald Trump's birth chart. The outer red circle includes lunar chart's divisions.

The graph displays inside Donald Trump’s birth chart, whereas the outer circle has been explicitly included to make it easier to see the correlation with lunar houses (clockwise progression from the North Node, red color). Time passing by densifies the energy, and densification makes to repeat birth karma’s forms, as much as cellular reproduction goes on in a living organism.

Overlapping houses is useful not just to deduce connections between life’s areas and events but also to see continuities that could be easily considered as long-lasting karmas. On Trump’s chart, it can be appreciated in a strong personal development related to public activities and social status (1st – 10th houses), like “gifts” or skills to handle situations.

Saturn’s first return is another classic signifier specifically related to freeing from natal forms. That type of karma had been already depleted around 21 years old (expressed and developed). And the last 7 years of the cycle are to free the energy previously fixed to birth forms. From then on, the magnetism of the lunar axis won’t mean a conditioning to them anymore.

The absolute and the developed

To the mentioned signifiers, a karmic reading may add a dynamic perspective by including elemental interactions across the timeline, for describing birth expression as well as later tendencies, after Saturn’s first cycle. More about it can be found in Elements and karma (A & K #11) and Dynamic of karma on a birth chart, both articles displaying D. Trump’s and Steve Jobs’ charts, respectively.

They mention the way birth luminaries’ elements interact, also during transmutations and related to rising signs: 

Deductions based on them are karma too, inside the paradox time shows: a present condensing itself a time to count before and a time to count later, the lunar densified as cold and the solar freeing by heat.

A reincarnationist perspective also adds karmic recapitulations, like annual vital events deduced by considering the configurations of the Zodiac at rest. The perspective is especially useful for identifying specific events when depleting birth karma during each annual development. More about it can be found in Reincarnation on a birth chart, an introductory article on, followed by a little bit deeper explanation, Karma and reincarnation in Saturn’s cycle.

The absolute and the freed

The energy freed from birth forms produces straight effects on the solar system’s karma: the liberation of the Moon is THE chance for the rest of components.

Before Saturn’s first return, annual seasons passing by develop consciousness, in the processes mentioned in the series Astrology & Esoterism (published on as zodiacal tones (mental, magnetic and ātman ones). Some of the articles especially emphasised signifiers by describing the development of each tone, which takes place along trimesters, by the impel of specific signs, and related to the quadruplicity the sign of interest belongs to.

Although birth karma doesn’t depend on it, the process develops reflexiveness, mental magnetism and intention, which can be appreciated by reading mental, magnetic and ātman charts, respectively. 

Once birth karma has ended, planetary cycles may deplete their own karma by making use of free will. Planetary aspects remain fixed only if lunar karma becomes dense again but, once the last one has ended, planets begin to deplete their own. And they may even complete the process and free the energy they condense, depending on the phase of the cycle they’re expressing (although Uranus’, Neptune’s and Pluto’s cycles are quite long…). 

Certainly, birth forms may be reproduced after the first return, such as they’ve been doing since birth time. It mostly depends on the frequency of free will and the characteristics of Uranus on the chart. But annual seasons passing by are not just developing consciousness: they’re also of great relevance for depleting system’s karma, beyond karma depleted on Earth.

Free will doesn’t just reach the energy freed from the own forms but also the energy condensed in the areas and events correlated to the lunar round. The first trimester developing the solar rising sign will be the counterpart to those fixations induced by the first quadrant in the lunar round (just consider rounds following opposite orientations). So, seasons passing by are important beyond consciousness developed on Earth, producing the clear effect of decreasing lunar karmic energy, which benefits the system. In an astrological reading of the subject, the effect must become intention.

The sign developed during the year is that of the Sun’s rising sign. On Trump’s chart is Virgo, so it involves the mutable quadruplicity. The second trimester seems critical to Virgo, since progressed rising signs meet as developing mental magnetism, in the 5th house on both rounds! Pisces (opposed to Virgo, ruled by Pluto in the magnetic area, oriented to make matter disappear) and all related to pleasure, sons, vitality and fun, are key subjects to specify what becomes dense (always beyond Saturn’s first cycle). The moment is critical in a higher o lesser degree depending on the fluency acquired by the forms of planetary cycles.


The correlation, by month or following any other arch division, will indicate subjects and specific events to be aware of for keeping free energy, while looking for expressing and depleting planetary karma. The arch division and the way to focus on houses (environments) and aspects (events) may be better organized after identifying the main karmic subjects on a chart. And, if counting on direct references from the native, the way to specify seasonal forms towards free energy turns into a much more specific task (hard to find two equal readings on the same composition). Anyway, the way to correlate circumstances and events indicated by the rounds belongs to every readers’s single style.

The absolute expression of the energy provides a lot of benefits for readers, simply because it is beyond: beyond birth karma and life on Earth. The absolute can be appreciated in quaternaries of manifestation, in the tendencies of the lunar round (not in the round itself), in the recapitulation, and also in the products of elemental interactions due to the time paradox in which there are no states or processes.

Beyond birth time, as this article has been entitled, may refer to what has not yet been born as well as to what has transcended what has been given at birth. Beyond may be at the beginning, that “holds within” what is not manifested, as well as at the end, a time for freeing although there’s nothing to be freed from…

Identifying the beginning with the end is also a matter that becomes particularly concrete when reading karma on a birth chart, as the etheric interdependence mentioned before is too. By understanding the esoteric logic that the identification expresses, then aspects, signs and planets acquire concrete forms in the dense and fluent, in karma and in the psychic usage of free energy.