Aquarius in the spotlight

by Julia Pérez Bustamante, in Tres Mancias Consultancy

Why is it so mentioned? Is it astrologically relevant or just a trend?

If you’re interested in Astrology, you’ve surely noticed Aquarius has been one of the most mentioned signs during the last years, especially when referring to the Age of Aquarius. Although we won’t be here when that age comes! 


Each age is indicated by the sign of the Zodiac the Sun transits across its own orbit. And the star will enter Aquarius just in a couple of centuries, when leaves definitely behind Pisces (going from Pisces to Aquarius).

Each transit lasts approximately 2200 years, and we’re still in the age of Pisces, ruled by Neptune. In the Western world, the age of Leo is usually the first to be mentioned to describe the mythical emerging of human beings, around 10000 B.C., so during the next centuries Humankind will take a 180º turn from those times, since Aquarius opposes Leo.

But the mentioned starting point in the historical narration was preceded by the age of Virgo, which might have ended in the famous universal pre-historic Great Flood, after which the age of Leo began.

The story tells that, during the age of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, people had developed powerful practices involving the usage of all types of energies. And a wrong usage might have produced a big catastrophe, with terrible rains making wide territories and urban buildings sink. Then Noah is introduced in the story, the hero who led human beings and animals to escape from the flood to preserve their lives. They all gathered in his ark until finding new land, running the ark aground in mount Ararat (it’s believed it was in Turkey’s territory nowadays). By saving the own life and trying to keep it, then the astrological age of Leo began, ruled by the Sun.

Around 8000 B.C., the age of Cancer began, ruled by the Moon, during which Humankind gathered in groups again, living in tribes and communities, in the different regions they had moved on to during the previous age. So they reorganized their lifestyles, acquiring one more time particular costumes and traditions over the following centuries.

Around 6000 B.C., the age of Gemini began, ruled by Mercury, displaying great improvements in communication, especially since the emerging of a new type of language, an event from which time on is strictly considered as history. Pictograms and other similar graphic figures were drawn inside caves and on different objects of daily life, which allowed transmitting the experience beyond the time people lived in. So symbols started to be used for long-term communication, a new language that would be developed and multiplied during the following 2000 years.

Around 4000 B.C.,  the age of Taurus began, ruled by Venus, during which physically grand constructions were built, as Egyptian pyramids show. But the concentration on physical aspects was not restricted to objects, also reaching people’s daily life, with great improvements in the study, treatment and preservation of bodies.

Later, along with the age of Aries around 2000 B.C., it came a time when weapons were specifically developed, especially by melting metals. Big wars and conquers can be seen all along the history of empires and kingdoms, as they pursued expansion by commanding armies and planning invasions. 

The 0 year in the Western world usually points out the beginning of the age of Pisces, ruled by Neptune, characterized by the emerging of religions of a massive kind, and the assimilation, in daily life, of rites and costumes of a mystic or mysteric origin. The age has displayed a progressive deletion of all types of boundaries, whether in the mixture of quite different dialects and ideas, in globalized commerce and economic functioning, and even in the chance of two people living in opposite areas of the world to easily meet each other in the same location.

What about Aquarius?

The age is still far from Humankind, since we follow the Sun while the system is saying goodbye to Pisces. It’s not too clear why the sign is so mentioned by media and people, although it may be related to the recent transit of Pluto. Still, it won’t be the last one before the new age begins anyway…

About the transit, Pluto in Aquarius: karma of a generation was an article published in  2023 mentioning the karmic relevance of the transit for very specific births (between July and December of that year). The importance is indicated by the planet forming aspects three times with the lunar nodes of karma: at the beginning, middle term and end of the progression across the sign! Being the aspect repeated three times and involving the whole sign, also reaching nodes, and even taking place during the time when period people deplete birth harma, is not something that usually happens, so the transit was and will still be an incredible chance to focus on Aries – Aquarius karma as seen in the birth charts of people born during those months.

But it seems there’s no other important reason to make Aquarius stand out, except if looking to compare current events with those taking place during previous transits in the same sign, although this is also of interest about Uranus and Neptune too, the other planets of long cycles.

So, until Aquarius vibes reach us, we’ll say goodbye to all types of massive movements tending to blur differences, details and singularities. And, when Aquarius comes, all things will progressively reach the surface, being impulsed by an almost electric creativity. There will be much less idealism, concentrating the energy and work on developing concrete situations, transforming potentials into tangible realities.

Aquarius and rulers

If you’re reading this article, then you surely want to know something more about the sign, so I’m going to mention the most important characteristics by including the different rulers assigned by traditional Astrology and esoteric Astrology.

Currently, the most famous ruler is Uranus, the planet of electricity and innovation, which nowadays are better appreciated in all related to technological improvements. In old times, that was the name of the father of Greek gods, the creator emitting rays, also jealous of Gea (Earth), to whom he was sticked to. He seized her with magnetism and left no free space between them, which was one of the reasons for one of his sons castrated him later.

One of his famous daughters, Venus, was born from his sperm spread in the ocean. Aquarius is also a sign associated to dissemination, classically represented by a water-bearer pouring a flow, from above towards Humankind. So it is a provider although is not specific about it: something arrives although is not known from where. It’s about networks, nameless connections, a transmission crossing space because is light-weighted, because there’s nothing blocking the way, not even in the mind, heart or body. When we find these characteristics in situations, objects, beings and people, then we’re experiencing Aquarian energy.

The sign is also a move reaching another scale, such as when electricity brings inert matter to life, with no resistance. It’s very hard to escape from the influence, and once we’re in contact with it, there’s almost no way to avoid it. Aquarius calls our attention and, when we meet it, it doesn’t let us deviate from it. But it’s not a personalistic sign, it just lets us know what its own intention is about: it demands, indicates, pushes towards (sometimes without asking about our opinion…). 

Besides, it doesn’t provide too many explanations. It seems it has something attractive to offer us, and sells by making us interested in it. The attractive is in the air, we breathe it, and the sign runs away from words to give it a name since expresses itself precisely in a very physical magnetism, in one of the most carnal ways of the Zodiac. Anyway, it’s quite skilled in words since usually counts on accurate adjectives to raise whatever it wants to try, provoke or induce… Aquarius knows!

So the experience coming along with the sign, goes on. It seems it always has more, as if reserves were never out. There’s something to discover by staying with it, so we may find new areas or interests that could even redesign the structure of our lives. Another ruler of the sign is Jupiter, the provider of life, the one letting us know in our hearts if the new path or horizon is the right one or not.

Aquarius is one of the less dependent and more self-made signs. Usually, it doesn’t hide what it has or restrict outgoings, since the entire sign makes an entrance mostly by awakening and making emerge (sometimes like the god of rays), after which we find fluency and all types of resources, inside and outside. If something doesn’t come out, it just doesn’t. If something is not found, it doesn’t mean it has been taken away or subtracted… This is for both concrete material situations and private or sentimental affairs. These characteristics are usually seen as a tendency to be detached and a seemingly cold tone. 

A glint is one of the ways it takes in our personal lives. A glint of an intensity leaving traces on the way. Besides, it tends to make last what awakens, making it to be expressed, so there’s no coming back when Aquarius is involved: roots are now on every new top or peak it has arrived at.

We may find what makes the sign singular and special in those places, from which it doesn’t deviate, fighting against all to stay there.  We can find it again in those places sooner or later. Even if it went in circles for a while, it goes back to its own peak. Other rulers of the sign are Mars, providing strong and warrior intention, and Saturn, providing those traits of unchangeable judgement and duty or debt to oneself, keeping an undeniable inner truth that time only shows as such.

In fact, Saturn ruled the sign until Uranus was discovered in the XVIII c. In the myth, the god of rings took the place of the father of Heaven, thus creating his own karma because one of his sons would do the same to him later. Saturn is usually associated with patient waiting over time, fruits coming after hard work, the path towards the top (Uranus is over the top). So Aquarius also expresses a particular karma: what is disseminated, what comes to us, is what has to. What is provided is karma (Saturn, Uranus). What is provided is karma coming from the own desire (Mars).

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