E. Halle Smith, B.A.

Graduate Student

Halle is a second-year student in the Master's in General Psychology Program at The University of Memphis. She is interested in the relations among gender expression, psychopathology, and interpersonal relationships. Halle is also interested in gambling, substance use, and psychological treatment.  

Ask Halle about her contributions to the lab related to the meta-analysis database!


Smith, E. H., McPhail, A., Lerma, M., Pfund, R. A., & Whelan, J. P. (2024). Expectations of how acute cannabis use affects gambling experiences and behaviors. Cannabis. https://doi.org/10.26828/cannabis/2024/000231

Smith, E. H., Free, B. L., Ginley, M. K., Whelan, J. P., & Pfund, R. A. (2024, October). Does cognitive behavioral treatment affect development and maintenance factors of gambling harm? An exploratory meta-analysis. Poster to be presented at the annual conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

Lerma, M., Pfund, R. A., Valencia, A. J., Smith, E. H., & Whelan, J. P. (2023). Does Twitter User Activity Promote Gambling-Related Content? 18th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, Las Vegas, Nevada.