TREAT Lab Highlights


April - Dr. Pfund was awarded a grant ($206,228) from the International Center of Responsible Gaming to conduct a randomized clinical trial testing the efficacy of a personalized feedback intervention for 2- and 4-year college students as principal investigator. This grant will start in September 2024 and continue until August 2027.

March - Chance Dow was awarded a $5,000 Research Fellowship from the International Gaming Institute at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Read more about Chance's research project here. Congrats, Chance!!!

February - Halle Smith published a paper about how individuals expect acute cannabis to affects their gambling experiences and behaviors in the journal, Cannabis. Read the open-access publication here. This publication is Halle's first first-author paper! Congrats, Halle!!!

January - Halle Smith successfully proposed her master's thesis, entitled Financial Harm and Financial Distress Due to Gambling: A Scoping Review. Halle is already making progress on her systematic article search for this project. Congrats, Halle!!!


December - Adrianna Valencia successfully proposed her master's thesis, entitled Does Ethnic Identity Moderate the Association Between Ethnic Discrimination and Gambling Engagement Among Hispanic or Latino/a/x Individuals? We are excited for Adrianna to begin collecting data on this exciting project that spans four universities across the United States. Congrats, Adrianna!!!