
Accelerated Pavement Testing Program

The need for faster and more practical evaluation methods under closely simulated in-service conditions prompted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to initiate an Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) program in 2000. The FDOT APT Program is housed within the State Materials and Research Park in Gainesville. The original test site consisted of eight linear test tracks with each test track measuring 150 feet long and 12 feet wide. Seven of the test tracks were extended an additional 300 feet in 2011 so construction of the test tracks could better reflect field practices. Two machines known as Heavy Vehicle Simulators (HVS) are used in this program to subject pavement test tracks to accelerated loads simulating one-half axle truck loading. The first HVS (Mark IV) was obtained in 2000 at the start of the program. Due to the early, reliable, and beneficial results realized by the APT program, a second HVS (Mark VI) was purchased in 2017.

Project reports may be accessed here.

FDOT initiated the design and construction of a 2.5 mile concrete test road along a northbound segment of US-301. The test road will allow for a comprehensive in-service performance assessment of new and emerging concrete pavement technologies and innovative concepts while giving a full consideration to the interaction between factors such as traffic loading, design features, materials properties, construction practices, and environmental conditions. The test road will be constructed parallel to a northbound segment of US-301 to allow traffic to be diverted from the test road periodically for extensive performance monitoring without impacting the traveling public. The site is approximately 30 miles north of the State Materials and Research Park in Gainesville. It will be unique in that it is the only full-scale concrete pavement test facility of this type in the Southeastern United States. The climate and environmental conditions of Florida distinguish this test road from the few other full scale concrete pavement test facilities such as MnROAD in Minnesota. The test road is expected to be open to traffic by the end of 2021.