Genres & sections

Transponticae is willing to publish 

- (shorter) monographs, normally 40,000 - 65,000 words long; 

- 'micromonographs', or what in some East and Central European languages, e.g. Bulgarian, is called студия (studija), a scholarly analogue of повест (povest) or of 'long short story', normally 12,000 - 25,000 words long; 

- research articles, 5,000 - 8,000 words; 

- review articles, the same range; 

- reviews, 500-1500 words; 

- commented translations of primary sources (literature, folklore) from the vernaculars of the Black Sea region into either French or English; 

- commented translations of previous research thematising the interface of Black Sea and respective literature(s)/culture(s). 

All genres but the first one, which fits the monographs series issues, are for the journal proper issues. The journal-proper issues are structured according to the genre of the texts included.