Périodicité  & politique éditoriale  english

For 2023 and 2024, we plan four issues per year, thanks to an AUF funding and a preliminary (2020) call for manuscripts, circulated chiefly among the participants of the conference La mer Noire comme espace littéraire et culturel (II) / Black Sea as literary and cultural space (II)

From 2025 onwards, we plan publishing two issues per year, normally one monograph and one miscellany. 

"Miscellanies" can be both miscellanies proper and thematic issues. 

Thematic issues could be summoned both through targeted calls from the editors and the members of the editorial board, and through submission of 'external' proposals. 

Guest editorship for thematic issues is invited and encouraged, but it should normally be shared with a member of the editorial board with pertinent qualification. 

Even though the principal languages of Transponticae are English and French, pre-negotiated shifts to English and German and English and Italian could be occasionally possible for certain thematic issues. 

The online versions of the issues would be published normally within two or three months after the print versions. The online version of Transponticae is planned to be completely identic to the print one in content, and to be freely and unconditionally accessible online.