One action memory per day keeps depression away!

Humber Conference 2022 Dr. Laura Voss and Dr. Alexandru Tiba presented the project T-RAC and Xbox Kinect augmented dynamic motor imagery as an easy method to increase acceptability of the behavioural activation treatment.


Behavioral activation is a short and efficient intervention to treat patients with depression. It involves systematic planning for ’’anti-depressant’’ activities. Motivating patients to do activities is essential. Imagery seems a very good way to motivate participants. Yet many depressed individuals find it difficult to imagine movements. Moreover, it seems that the ability to vividly imagine is a condition for the improvement from imagery interventions.

Our solution was to build an add-on intervention that is fun and use dynamic and enhanced imagery of activities and positive affect. After planning the activities, the patients follow an augmented dynamic imagery intervention which is different for the static imagery currently used in practice. First, patients are helped to boost their motor imagery by a fun and pleasurable short kinect game. During this game we help them to enjoy movement simulations that produce desired environmental consequences (remote kinematic) and feelings. By this practice, the simulations of actions gain the same power of actions in producing desired consequences. And it is fun. Then, patients listen an ACTFULNESS exercise in which they focus on the movement of breathing, and use motor simulations to support the imagery of the planned activity. To this end, we developed a dynamic imagery method (describe, simulate and focus routine) to support movement and pleasurable feelings. Then patients build-up motor-loaded new memories of daily and planned activities that they have to remember in the evening. We describe the pilot project, the principles of the intervention and acceptability of treatment.

First Workshop on Actfulness and Dynamic Imagery- T-RAC Project National Conference 2022

Follow us on the first workshop on T-RAC procedures at National Conference of School Psychologists on 25-26 November 2022 at 17.30. Part of the T-RAC Team will present the project, preliminary results and the procedure of Xbox Kinect for augmenting motor imagery. You can try the protocol of Actfulness and Dynamic Imagery of Activities. We discuss how to adapt the protocol  for increasing the accessibility of the behavioural activation treatment for children and adolescents.

First Workshop on Actfulness and dynamic imagery-National Conference 2022

Follow us on the first workshop on T-RAC procedures at National Conference of School Psychologists on 25-26 November 2022 at 17.30. Part of the T-RAC Team will present the project, preliminary results and the procedure of Xbox Kinect for augmenting motor imagery. You can try the protocol of Actfulness and Dynamic Imagery of Activities. We discuss how to adapt the protocol  for increasing the accessibility of the behavioural activation treatment for children and adolescents.

First Workshop on Actfulness and dynamic imagery-Xbox Kinect  effects on mental health-from children to elderly-National Conference 2022

Follow us on the first workshop on T-RAC procedures at National Conference of School Psychologists on 25-26 November 2022 at 17.30. Part of the T-RAC Team will present the project, preliminary results and the procedure of Xbox Kinect for augmenting motor imagery. You can try the protocol of Actfulness and Dynamic Imagery of Activities. We discuss how to adapt the protocol  for increasing the accessibility of the behavioural activation treatment for children and adolescents.

First Workshop on Actfulness and dynamic imagery- Re-scripting action memories with dynamic imagery support-National Conference 2022

Follow us on the first workshop on T-RAC procedures at National Conference of School Psychologists on 25-26 November 2022 at 17.30. Part of the T-RAC Team will present the project, preliminary results and the procedure of Xbox Kinect for augmenting motor imagery. You can try the protocol of Actfulness and Dynamic Imagery of Activities. We discuss how to adapt the protocol  for increasing the accessibility of the behavioural activation treatment for children and adolescents.

Antalya 2023 EABCT Congress

Our research group open paper of the Trac RCT was presented by Dr Alex Tiba at EACBT 2023 Congress disseminating the first findings from our study.

Antalya 2023 EABCT Congress

Our research group open paper the Motor related positive affect in depressed individuals  was presented by Dr Alex Tiba disseminating the first findings from our motor fluency study.

Antalya 2023 EABCT Congress

Our research group poster of A case study of Trac behavioral activation  at EABCT 2023 Congress.