Isara, Guardian Deity

Name: Isara

Pronunciation: Ee-sarr-ruh

Other Names: Dragon

Gender: Male

Elected Age: Adult Immortal

Pride Rank: Yokai, Royal Guardian and Guardian Deity

Orientation: Unspecified

Lifemate: None

Character Information

Isara is a guardian of the royal family of the Celestial Heavens, having manifested into existence with the purpose of protecting the royal family. Originally, he took on the form of a red dragon, though he now maintains other forms more often. Although much of the history within the Celestial Heavens prior to being reestablished by Nero has been lost to time, there are traces of the legend that each royal family has had a guardian protecting it.

He may take his role as a Guardian Deity very seriously, but Isara has easily come to understand that the royalty of the present Celestial Heavens are far from weak and do not necessarily need his protection at all times. Therefore, rather than standing idly by, he instead spars and trains with the members of the royal family, closely treating them like friends and family, even though he is always more than willing to sacrifice himself for any of them if his duty ever calls for it.

Notable Relationships

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Insert Name: Info needed

Character Prompts

Technical Data

Breedings: 3/3

Biological Parents: None

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