Fallyn, Demon Princess

Name: Fallyn

Pronunciation: Fal-lin

Other Names: Princess, Eldest Princess, Little One, Daughter of the Demon King

Gender: Female

Elected Age: Adult Immortal

Pride Rank: Eldest Demon Princess, Royalty, and Yokai

Orientation: Unspecified

Lifemate: None

Character Information

+ Motivated and endlessly works toward her goals.

+ Unprejudiced toward the past or appearances of others; she looks for the goodness in their current selves.

+ Respectable, as she tends to be fair and just in her judgments, and kind and respectful in the way she treats others.

- Reckless and rash, she often acts before considering her own safety.

- Uncontrollable when it comes to having already made up her mind; if she wants to do something, she will do it, and can hardly be reasoned with.

- Harsh in the way she treats others whom she believes deserves it or if she is agitated.

Notable Relationships

Nero: Her adopted mother. During a tragic event, she lost everything, becoming an orphan running for her life when her biological mother died in order to try and protect her from their attackers. It was Nero that rescued her during this darkest hour, and took her in as one of her own, Nero raising her as her child. Fallyn loves her mother dearly and, even to this day, still looks up to her as her hero and role model. More than anything, she wants to make Nero proud of her.

Makuvu: Her adopted father. When Fallyn was first brought into the Celestial Heavens, Nero and Makuvu were not paired off, though, he, like all others, contributed to raising and teaching Fallyn. When he and Nero became life mates, Fallyn was already an adult, but they agreed that he would be her adopted father, though she still calls him by name. They have a good father-daughter relationship.

Zeri: Younger sibling.

Ghost: One of her close friends and a frequent sparring partner. In the early days of Ghost's arrival within the Celestial Heavens, Fallyn oversaw her combat training and taught her everything that she was able.

Character Prompts

Technical Data

Breedings: 3/3

Biological Parents: None

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