Zralok, God of Water

Name: Zralok

Pronunciation: Zzrah-lock

Other Names: Shark, Zra Zra

Gender: Male

Elected Age: Adult Immortal

Pride Rank: First Unit, High God and God of Water

Orientation: Demisexual

Lifemate: Vaal

Character Information








+ Able to create and manipulate water, both fresh water and salt water, including walking on water and breathing underwater.

+ Uses electrolocation, possessing the ability to sense electromagnetic fields of other living organisms.

+ Can see in the dark.

Notable Relationships

Vaal: Life mate.

Ceres: Eldest daughter.

Mercury: Eldest son.

Tatsu: Subordinate, she is a Water Deity charged with guarding the seas.

Character Prompts

Technical Data

Breedings: 2/3

Biological Parents: None



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