Celestial Heavens

General Information

The territory of the Celestial Heavens exists both within space-time and simultaneously outside of it. Its boarders exist within the common mortal world and those unaware may enter the Celestial Heavens without realizing they have entered a space that both exists and does not within the world. Should they choose it, those inhabiting the Celestial Heavens may combine their powers in order to create a barrier between their boarder and the rest of the world, seemingly erasing them from existence. However, they have no desire to separate themselves from the affairs of the world. Instead, those that reside within it believe in doing all that they can to protect those that are innocent and inherently good, objectively, wanting to protect the world.

The Celestial Heavens is teeming with divine energy, and even more so, as more immortals, deities, and gods are born and gather within. Mortals, all living things, and even inanimate objects may cultivate this divine energy as time passes, becoming an immortal, themselves, and even gaining new forms and abilities in the process. If not having been born into the Celestial Heavens, almost all other members within have come from the common world and cultivated within the Celestial Heavens to gain their immortality. They commonly take in those with nowhere else to go, if they truly have goodness within them.

Those of the Celestial Heavens that desire to expedite the process of becoming an immortal for another, may surrender and give away a portion of their cultivation to another, enabling the receiver to obtain immortality quickly, at the expense of the giver losing some of their power.

Although most members within the Celestial Heavens are comfortable in their lion or lionlike forms, they are also capable of taking on humanoid forms, and even others, in some cases.

Territory Prompts

Culture Prompts

Placeholder (Shayuu)



