
Krok International Animated Films Festival

The KROK International Animated Films Festival was an annual international animated film festival, and one of the main animation festivals in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Krok is the Ukrainian word for 'step'. Founded in 1989, it was held yearly -taking place in Russia on even years and in Ukraine on odd years, with financial support of both countries. The festival took place over the course of 6-12 days between September and October on the cruise ship Taras Shevchenko. When in Russia, it cruised along the Volga, and when in Ukraine it cruised along the Dnieper and the Black Sea. It was a closed festival for a limited number of approx. 300 participants from the sector (film directors, producers, etc.)

KROK has been a powerful uniting force, and a great example of dialogue between Russian and Ukrainian cultures and was one of the top five animation film festivals in Europe. The festival presented competition programmes, world premieres, special events, press-conferences, cultural discussions, exhibitions and master-classes from the world`s leading animation directors. After the edtion in 2014, due to the Russian annexion of the Crimea, the festival organisers decided to change the format which led to its later dissolution. 

2014: Political disruptions - Separation

When the violent conflict between Russia and Ukraine started in 2014, the Krok Festival, which had once symbolized collaboration between the two countries, split into two separate events, a Ukrainian and a Russian version of the animation festival. Following the split, the Ukrainian segment of Krok transitioned to a public format in classical film venues in Kyiv. The festival was open to all, providing free screenings to the public and continuing the festival’s legacy within a new, more accessible framework. The Russian version maintained the format of a river boat festival, but no longer had the same cross-border, collaborative spirit that had initially defined it.

2022: Full-scale invasion - Exile edition

The escalation of the conflict in 2022, particularly with the invasion of Ukraine, caused further disruption. The Ukrainian version of the festival planned for April 2022 was canceled due to the uncertain and dangerous conditions. The director of the festival, who had survived the occupation in Bucha, relocated to the US, where a scaled-down version of Krok was held in Los Angeles. However, this event was limited to a few screenings and did not regain the festival’s former prominence.

Current Status - Legacy

The festival’s future remains uncertain. While there were attempts to collaborate and unify efforts between Krok and the emerging LINOLEUM festival in late 2021 to create something together, the ongoing instability and the personal challenges faced by the festival’s team have impacted its continuity. There have not been any further editions since 2022 on the Ukrainian side. 

The Russian version seems to be frozen since 2020 and the cancellation of the festival due to COVID-19. 

Despite its current status, the Krok Festival has left a lasting legacy in the animation industry. It showcased the power of cultural and artistic exchange and provided a platform for the celebration and discussion of animation in a unique and impactful manner. The festival’s history illustrates the potential of arts and cultural events to bridge divides.

2014: Last bilateral efforts - Fundraising Call 

On the fundraising website indiegogo, the organisers of Krok 2014 address the difficult situation of the festival in the context of the troubling political changes

"At the present moment the festival is short of funding. Due to the deep politico-economic crisis, Ukraine has cut it's budget for cultural programmes, and the Russian Ministry of Culture is unable to cover the shortfall.

We would like to appeal to all supporters of our art, to its professionals and to all the community of friends of animation!

 Let`s support KROK with a dollar, a euro, a yen…!

 Let`s take one more “STEP” towards each another.

 Let`s cast aside the well known Roman dictum “In times of war, the Muses are silent”!

 Let`s help KROK together!  

 Let the ship of animation sail!"

2022: Krok in Los Angeles - Announcement

On the website, the festival team announces the move of Krok Ukraine to Los Angeles due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine: 

Dear friends, colleagues, and strangers, who are potentially yet to become friends and colleagues: On August 24th, Ukraine celebrates its Independence Day commemorating the 1991 Act that reestablished its state sovereignty. Marking this date will be especially important this year when Ukraine’s independence and freedom are being threatened by the invasion of the Russian Federation. The International Animated Film Festival KROK is proud to invite you to celebrate Ukrainian independence with its showcase in Los Angeles. You can read more about the history of KROK and its Ukrainian roots below. The program that we have prepared for you in LA includes animation screenings, Q&A with some of the artists, music performances, and food and drink sampling. All events are free to attend, but space is limited, so we urge you to reserve your admission in advance via Eventbrite.

ABOUT KROK: “KROK” means “step” in Ukrainian. The festival was founded in Kiev in 1989 and has quickly become an important part of the international festival scene with highly respected competition. This festival also gained a reputation as one of the most fun professional events of the year. Many distinguished artists attended the festival, among them: Michel Ocelot, Frédéric Back, Gerrit van Dijk, Normand Roger, Paul Driessen, Georges Schwizgebel, Raoul Servais, Ferenc Cakó, Piotr Dumała, Jerzy Kucia, Jan Švankmajer, Michaël Dudok de Wit, Paul Bush, Theodore Ushev, and Bill Plympton.

Because the festival cannot be held this year in its traditional form, we are taking its assets around the world, using all available resources to tell international audiences a story of Ukraine, its heritage, its art, and its people. Please, join us! Together we are strong.