OLSP system from Wayne Crowe - Review

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase or sign up through my links, at no cost to you. Please read my disclaimer for more info.

OLSP is a complete system for making money online through affiliate marketing. It provides full training in email marketing and list building, affiliate marketing and social media marketing.

As well as teaching you affiliate marketing, it also gives you products you can promote as an affiliate and also give you access to top quality solo ad traffic.

I have personally been using OLSP for 4 months or so now and actively promoting it. So I thought I’d write a review to explain what OLSP is all about, who Wayne Crowe is (the creator of the OLSP system) and why you should have a look at it yourself.

OLSP Commissions

Table of Contents

Who is Wayne Crowe?

If you’ve been involved in the make money online (MMO) or ‘Bizop’ niche for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard of Wayne Crowe. He is one of the bigger solo ads providers out there. The chances are if you’ve purchased solo ads the traffic will have been his (even if it has passed down several hands first).

Well, recently he has branched out and now has a number of digital products and has had many successful launches on WarriorPlus. But his latest – and most exciting venture is his OLSP system.

OLSP system from Wayne Crowe – what is it?

OLSP is two things:

  1. A system for earning commissions online from Wayne’s digital product catalog (and others)

  2. A full training system for affiliate marketing, that he provides for FREE.

Wayne Crowe’s approach with the OLSP system is to make it as easy as possible for people starting out online to earn their first commissions.

Unlike many so-called ‘gurus’ that take your money upfront and then (frankly) disappear into the sunset, Wayne takes the exact opposite approach. He believes in providing value first (for free) and then over time as your commissions start rolling in from following the training, maybe you’ll want to invest in some of the paid-for training or products.

Personally, I love this approach – I wish more people could see the sense in doing things this way around! And this is the whole basis of the OLSP system

Give people the training that they need to start to understand affiliate marketing, give them a way of earning commissions, and then – they will likely be lifetime customers. Perfect 🙂

OLSP system free training

It is genuinely hard to believe quite how much training is being given away for free inside the OLSP system. The content Wayne Crowe is giving away could easily be sold for $500-$1000.

All of the content is delivered through a private Facebook group, making it easy to access on any device.

Now that is quite a claim so, here is a quick video showing you the reams of training that you get for free by signing up for OLSP (please note the sign-up page has been made a bit prettier since I shot this video – but the training in the group is the same):

How to earn affiliate marketing commissions from OLSP

The beauty of the OLSP system is how easy it makes it, even for a complete affiliate marketing beginner, to earn a commission.

"We do the selling for you!" Wayne Crowe – OLSP System Creator

That is Wayne’s motto and he’s right. He is a monster email marketer and also runs a number of webinars every single week – if you get someone into his ecosystem and they buy something, you get commissions! It really is that simple.

In fact, over the weekend I personally made $122 just by promoting one of his webinars on Facebook (which cost me nothing).

I didn’t pitch, I didn’t try and sell, I just posted a link to the webinar and a brief summary of what it was about. Pretty easy huh?

Building a team in OLSP

When you promote OLSP (by following the training) and someone clicks on one of your links – they are cookied to you for life. This means ANYTHING they buy, now or in the future you will earn affiliate commissions from.

Community and helping each other is at the heart of the OLSP system. There is a HUGE Facebook group full of people helping each other out. In fact, the community just topped 75k members(!)

When someone joins OLSP from your link, they are in your ‘team’. This means that you can help them out – and in turn, the more you help your team members grow, the more commissions you are likely to earn.

It’s a nice approach – basically, you will get rewarded for helping people 🙂

This extends even further as commissions in OLSP are two-tier, meaning if someone under the person in your direct team earns – you will get a share of that too.

At this point I want to be REALLY clear about something: The OLSP System is NOT an MLM.

As soon as I started talking about teams, people under you, etc – you might have had some alarm bells ringing – but honestly, it isn’t like that at all.

You can earn commissions in loads of different ways from OLSP:

  • People buying products from live events (held weekly)

  • People buying products that are developed by Wayne Crowe

  • People on recurring payments for certain training paths and done for you services*

  • People buying solo ad traffic

*there are lots of done for you services for those that want a helping hand – from done for you traffic through to done for you blogs.