Get Started With Google Analytics for your business
Google Analytics is a powerful and comprehensive tool that delivers valuable data regarding your website and visitors. It's one of the most used digital marketing tools, with over 56 percent of all websites using it. Google Analytics gives you access to a plethora of data about your site's users.
The data that you can gain from Google Analytics is helpful to anyone. It makes no difference if you're a small business with a simple blog or a large corporation with a complex website. However, you may be wondering how to set it up on your website. This article will explain the steps you need to take to get started with Google Analytics, so keep reading!
Setting up google analytics
You'll need a Google Analytics account first. If you have a primary Google account that you use for other Google services such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, or YouTube, you should use that account to set up Google Analytics. If not, you'll have to make a new one.
To begin collecting fundamental data from a website, follow these steps:
1. Register or log in to your Analytics account:
○ Go to Google Marketing Platform - Analytics
○ Select one of the following options:
■ Click "Start for free" to register for a new account.
■ Click "Sign in" to Analytics to log in to your account.
2. Create a property in your Google Analytics account. Property is the gathering spot in Analytics for information from your site or app, and it symbolizes your site or app.
○ Go to the Admin tab once you've logged in.
○ Now you must create an Account Name and a Property Name. Select "Create new account" from the Account drop-down menu. A single account can track numerous properties (websites).
○ Choose a name for your account (Company Name), a name for your website (Website Name), and a URL for your website.
3. To gather information in your Analytics property, embed the tracking code on your website.
○ Click "Get Tracking ID." The Google Analytics terms and conditions will be displayed in a pop-up window which you must accept. After that, you'll receive your Google Analytics code.
○ Each page of your website must have the Google Analytics tracking code installed. The installation process will be different depending on the type of website you own.
Google Analytics will begin gathering data as soon as tracking is enabled, and within a few days, you can start reviewing reports.
Any digital marketer's toolkit should include Google Analytics. It will assist you in tracking the success of your website as well as all of your digital marketing activities. Using Google Analytics, you'll be able to determine your ROI and discover more about your target market.
We've walked you through the first steps of setting up Google Analytics in this article. All you have to do now is send traffic to your website and you’ll be set to start reviewing all the data.