About us

Tokyo JALT is the largest chapter of The Japan Association for Language Teaching. We serve central Tokyo, but welcome members and attendees from anywhere in the world. We reach more than 1000 dedicated professionals each month through our events, the Tokyo JALT Journal, our monthly newsletter, and networking.

Our diverse membership consists of educators, language instructors, content specialists, and linguists, as well as translators and interpreters, publishers, and other professionals in related fields. We welcome educators of all languages, from all levels, pre-school to adult education. We host regular events with local and international speakers on aspects related to education in Japan.

In addition to our events and our Journal, we are also excited to offer Research Grants. At Tokyo JALT we believe in building our membership and supporting our members' development. Our Research Grants, along with our annual Member Presentations event, we aim to do just that. Consider applying today!

The latest Tokyo JALT news can be found in our monthly newsletter, the JALT National Calendar, and the listings on this site. To get the latest news delivered directly to your inbox every month, please send an email to the Membership Chair at tokyojaltmembership@gmail.com.
