Tokyo JALT

Hall of Fame

Daniel Beck

Facilities Chair 2016-2019

Gaby Benthien

Younger Learners Co-chair 2020-

Gaby Benthien (BEd, MEd, EdD) is Associate Professor at Shumei University in Chiba, and Adjunct Lecturer at Chuo University in Tokyo. She has been teaching foreign languages (Japanese, German and English) to a range of age levels and in a variety of teaching contexts in Australia and Japan for nearly 30 years.

The majority of her recent classes have been related to intercultural understanding and L2 education classes for students taking elementary education license credits. Her research interests include L2 teacher education and development, L2 motivation, socio-cultural aspects of language education, intercultural communication and understanding and study abroad. In her free time, Gaby enjoys being outdoors, being creative, and exploring Japan and other countries. Gaby is a member of the JALT Teaching Younger Learners SIG, Intercultural Education in Language Learning SIG and Teacher Development SIG and is also involved with the JACET-based Japanese Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages for Elementary school Teacher Education (JPOSTL elementary)

Chris Bullsmith

Research Chair 2020

Chris is an Associate Professor at Atomi University. He has postgraduate degrees in philosophy from Canterbury University and King's College London, and in applied linguistics from Victoria Uni; is a Commonwealth Scholar, and a Daiwa Anglo-Japan Foundation Scholar. He spent over a decade helping turn an educational software startup into a major international player in the ELL space, and moved to Japan and back to academia in 2017. His research interests include a wide range of topics in EFL, plus non-classical logics and the foundations of science and epistemology.

Vincent Chien

Ed Tech Chair 2020-

Vincent is a lecturer in English Education at Rikkyo University. He earned his MA in Theatre Performance from the University of Essex and he is receiving his MA in English Language Teaching from London Metropolitan University in 2020. Before coming to Japan, Vincent has taught in language centers, high schools, and universities in Australia, USA, and Taiwan His current research interests include educational technology, CALL, educational theatre, and ESL activity design.

Brennan Conaway

Social Events Coordinator 2020-

Brennan received a B.A. in Screenwriting and a B.F.A. in Craft. He is currently an M.S.Ed. candidate in the TESOL program at Temple University, Japan Campus, and an instructor in an academic English writing program in Tokyo.

Darla Cornett

Treasurer 2015-2021, Tokyo JALT Journal Editor 2017-2021

Darla is an assistant language teacher at Japanese public schools in the Tokyo area. She received her BA in International Studies and her MA in Japanese Culture. In the process, she discovered her love of teaching working with second language learners at writing centers.

Eucharia Donnery

Tokyo JALT Journal Editor 2013-2016

Eucharia first came to Japan in 1998 as an ALT on the JET Program in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu. She then studied at Beppu University for two years, thanks to the Monbukagakusho Scholarship. From there, she has worked in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Univerisity, Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University, Kwansei Gakuin University, Sophia University, and is a tenured lecturer Shonan Insititute of Technology, Kanagawa. Whilst working full-time in Japan, she started as a part-time PhD student in National University College, Cork, Ireland, and was conferred in 2013. Her research areas include drama in second language education, CALL, and Gender Awareness in Language Acquisition (GALE).

Lina Gordyshevskaya

Membership Chair 2019-2020

Charu Gupta

Vice President 2020-2021, President 2021-

Charu is an Lecturer in English Education at Rikkyo Univeristy. She has an M.S.Ed. in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Japan, she taught at schools, univeristies, and community centers in Philadelphia and India. Her research interests include pragmatics, reflective learning and corrective feedback.

Marian Hara

Teaching Younger Learners Chair 2016-2020

Marian has taught Japanese preschool, elementary, junior and senior high students for many years and has an RSA post-graduate diploma in teaching English as a Foreign Language from Edinburgh University.

Natasha Hashimoto

Research Chair 2016-2018

Decha Hongthong

Webmaster 2016-

Ruthie Iida

Teaching Younger Learners Co-Chair 2020-

Bio forthcoming

Michele Joel

Events Chair 2016-2018

Matthew Kocourek

Programs Chair 2015-2018, Vice President 2016-2018, President 2018-2020

After receiving his Masters in TESOL from Columbia University, Matthew taught in New York at LaGuardia Community College helping to create a program with Accenture to help immigrants with business backgrounds succeed. Returning to Japan, he taught at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages, Temple University Japan, and New York University's School for Professional Studies before accepting a position at Rikkyo University. His interests include film, motivation, and adult education.

Lydia Leung

JET/ALT Coordinator 2016-2019

Lydia has an MA in TESOL and teaches at various universities in Kanagawa and Tokyo.

Dawn Lucovich

President of Tokyo Chapter 2016-2018, Tokyo Chapter Grants Chair 2016-2018, Tokyo Chapter Chairwoman 2019, President of JALT 2021-2022

Dawn Lucovich is President of JALT (2021-2022). She launched the External Outreach Chair, JET Coordinator, and Research Grants program while at Tokyo JALT. She has also served as External Coordinator and Peer Reader for the JALT Writers’ Peer Support Group (PSG) and Vocab SIG Grants Co-Chair. Her research interests include assessment, discourse communities, and linguistic landscapes.

Jarwin Martin

Communications Chair 2016-2017

Jeffrey Martin

Communications Chair 2017-2018, Membership Chair 2018

Justine McCabe

JET/ALT Coordinator 2020

Justine is a second-year Tokyo JET from Sydney Australia. She has a Bachelor of Arts majoring in History and Geography & a Bachelor of Education (Secondary). Justine taught in Australia for two years before moving to Japan. She is the current Tokyo JET Committee President and is studying to become a Japanese language teacher.

Jim McKinley

Publicity Chair 2010-2011, President 2011-2013

Jim is an associate professor of TESOL and applied linguistics at UCL Institute of Education, University of London. Before moving to the UK, he was an associate professor at Sophia University in Tokyo, where he taught for more than a decade. His research explores implications of globalisation for L2 writing, language education, and teaching in higher education.

Scott McLellan

Membership Chair 2020-

Scott McLellan teaches at various private and public universities in the Tokyo area. He currently lives in Ota-ku with his wife and their new baby. He holds a B. A in the History and Philosophy of Science from UBC, and an M.Ed in TESOL from Temple University. His areas of professional interest include Extensive Reading, Task-Based Language Teaching, and Flipped Instruction. His personal interests include cask-strength bourbon, world travel, and buying books he doesn’t have time to read.

Sarara Momokawa

Public Relations Chair 2019

Ken Ohashi

Membership Chair 2014-2016

Christopher Nicklin

External Outreach Chair 2015-2016

Research Workshops Chair 2020-

Christopher Nicklin has been teaching English at Japanese Universities for the past six years. He also works as a data analyst for an online English instruction application. He graduated from the M. S. Ed TESOL program at Temple University, Japan in 2016 and has recently completed the coursework and examination on Temple University's Doctoral program. He will defend his dissertation proposal in 2020. His areas of research are vocabulary acquisition, particularly psycholinguistic research methodology and collocation processing.

Rab Paterson

Webmaster 2013-2016, Social Media Officer 2013-2015, organizer of Tokyo JALT / West Tokyo Google Educators Group workshops 2015-2016

Rab is the Director, Webmaster, Treasurer, and Conference Co-Chair of the Asia Association for Global Studies, Editorial Board Member of the Asia Journal for Global Studies, Fellow of the British Royal Asiatic Society, and holds memberships in many ed-tech organisations. BA in Asian History & MA in Asian Studies from London University's School of Oriental Studies, Certificate of Educational Technology and Information Literacy & MS in Multidisciplinary Studies from State University of New York (Buffalo), Doctoral Candidate at UCL's Institute of Education, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Educator, Google Education Group Leader, Google Trainer, and Google Innovator.

Maiko Sawada

Secretary 2016-2018

Maiko Sawada has worked as a translator for the Financial Times, the French Embassy in Japan, UNHCR Tokyo Office and other established global media outlets, businesses and administrations. As a result she has a great deal of experience in the organization of sophisticated and multi-lingual work environments. In addition she graduated with a B.A. from the International Christian University, Tokyo, and earned her M.A. in International Studies from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. Currently she teaches English Communications and International Studies in Japan as she just likes people.

Liling Sejima

Public Relations 2020-

Liling received her B.A. in Sociology from UCLA. She is currently studying to obtain her M. S. Ed. degree in the TESOL program at Temple University, Japan Campus. She currently works as an English instructor at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages.

Liz Shek-Noble

External Outreach Chair 2018-2019

Jackie Talken

Programs Chair 2019-

Jackie has spent the last 20 years travelling and teaching in various countries around the world, with the last nine in Japan. Currently, she teaches at Kyorin University and has recently completed a Master's in TESOL at Temple University, Japan. Her main educational interests include extensive reading, usage-based methodologies and task-based learning.

Yuko Tanahashi

Secretary 2015-2016, 2019-2020

Haruka Ubukata

Website Content Editor 2016-2018, Publicity Chair 2018-

Haruka received her B.A. in International Communication from Kanda University of International Studies, part of which included one year studying at Aarhus University, Denmark. She completed her M. S. Ed. degree in the TESOL program at Temple University, Japan Campus. She currently works as an Eikaiwa school manager and teaches English.

If you would like to be added to our Hall of Fame, please email the President ( with your name, position held, years served, a short biography and a photo (optional) .