Teaching Younger Learners

Our Next Event

Sounds, Reading, and Interpretation (Dec. 10th 10:00am-1:00pm)

Kate Sato & Allison Hasegawa

Date: Sunday, December 10th, 2023

Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Location: Zoom (The link will be provided to all those who RSVP.)

RSVP: https://tyleventsoundsreadingandi.rsvpify.com 

Facebook: https://fb.me/e/5WZCStgRQ 

This event, sponsored by Tokyo JALT and the TYL SIG, is for teachers of kids to young adults, so teachers of preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school, are all encouraged to come! As always, there will be great presentations and lots of time for discussion and networking.

Presentation 1: How to set students up for success: The four-step cycle for teaching phonics


In Japan there is increasing interest in teaching phonics, and there is a lot of information on the internet to help teachers. However, why should teachers of younger learners be teaching phonics and if so, which approach should they take for young learners of English whose first language is Japanese? Furthermore, how can teachers know what materials to use and, how can teachers set their students up for success through phonics? These
questions will be answered based on research. Kate will outline the 4-step cycle as a teaching guide for teachers can follow to help learners internalise basic phonics. She will also suggest activities to use in the 4-step cycle that can easily be integrated into a class. Attendees will be invited to ask questions throughout the session, and will be given access to materials Kate uses in her research. This presentation will be of interest to teachers of young learners, or parents of young children.


Kate Sato started teaching English as a foreign language in 1989 and is an associate professor at Hokkai-Gakuen University. Originally from the UK, she’s lived and taught in France, the US and Japan as well as the UK. In 2002 she founded her own school and after 15 years moved into full-time university work teaching pre-service teachers and researching the practical application of phonics in Elementary school through action research. Through
this research the 4-step cycle for teaching phonics has emerged. She has given teacher training sessions all over Japan and currently, Kate continues to give pre-service teachers workshops on how to teach phonics.


Presentation 2: Changing the World One Book at a Time: Developing Social Awareness and Other Skills Through Interactive Picturebook Read-Alouds


Picturebook read-alouds are an engaging and motivating classroom activity for learners of all ages. They can help develop a wide range of literacies, including visual, emotional, or cultural literacy, as well as build a foundation for reading and writing. Interactive read-alouds can initiate critical thinking and facilitate real communication, and naturally develop learners’ listening and speaking skills. Alison will share her objectives, the process, and the results of a classroom-based research project focusing on interactive picturebook read-alouds, demonstrating how these skills can be fostered in young learners alongside language skills.


Alison Hasegawa ( formerly Nemoto) arrived in Japan on the JET program after completing her Bachelor of Education in the UK. From 1989 till 2012, she taught English in Fukushima Prefecture’s coastal region, from preschool to junior high school level. Following the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, she established a successful training program for university students to support children of families forced to evacuate their hometown after the ensuing nuclear meltdown. From 2012 to 2022, Alison headed a teacher training program for prospective Japanese primary school teachers at Miyagi University of Education in Sendai. Alison has also been active in the area of materials development. In the past eight years, she has helped to develop textbooks for Japanese primary school children, served on the Expert Panel of a National Geographic textbook series, and served as an advisor to the Myanmar Ministry of Education. She is currently a Specially Appointed Professor at Rikkyou University’s Foreign Language and Research Centre as well as serving as an adjunct professor at both Nagoya University of Foreign Studies and Soka University, where she serves as one of their MA TESOL program instructors. Her most recent research interest is focused on ways to effectively utilize children’s literature in young learner EFL classrooms. She holds an MA in Teaching English to Young Learners from the University of York in the UK.

Cost for JALT Members: Free

Cost for non-JALT Members: Free


If you are interested in helping us make our TYL events even better, reach out to our chair, Marian Hara at tokyojaltyl@gmail.com.

Share your ideas

Interested in sharing your ideas? Apply at http://bit.ly/TJALTandYLevent or email the TYL team at TokyoJALTYL@gmail.com today.

TYL in Tokyo Archives

Click HERE to learn about previous TYL event, see photos, or even watch the presentations.

If you have any photos from events you would like to share, please send them to tokyojaltyl@gmail.com.

Dusza & Goto (2020, V2.0). JALTtyo TBLT Input-based tasks for beginners

Sample presentation from our archives

For more presentations, photos, and event details from past TYL events, please click HERE!

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