
Everything went better, but everything will never be the same again. Everything went back to normal, but not the normal that we know. Everything became the new normal within the leadership.

It was not easy, but we'll soon get used to it.

Indeed we became comfortable with the now-revamped leadership, as it had now become. It was all different - no events, new plans, new goals and all. Navigating the new Caratime is both a challenge and a blessing - especially taking into consideration the continuing rise of dual stanning. That's something new, not just for this era, but for the entire concept. However, it never went back to how it was when it first happened. Since returning for Book 2, Cara never reverted back to his inconsistent self again. But that being said, he did so without me having to lose my engagements with ONF.

I did write somewhere that the second book is basically about Cara getting his marbles back. Well he did. And multiplied them. Exponentially.

A lot went down for him as fall continued.. and they're mostly positive! But given the chance that I could mention anything common about them - it's that all of them, in their little ways, may have saved Cara from losing his marbles again. From his #vcut tweet to their online concert Map of the Soul O:NE, their Billboard Music Awards 2020 stage and more.. and don't let me even get started with the "Elizabeth" Bangtan Bomb, the closest we were to getting another TTMU premiere from 2011!

You know what this means. He's officially back on track, leading like the inconsistency never happened. He redeemed himself gracefully, as expected when we lost him in August.

I'm glad I made the right decision. Once he returned with the boys, I learned, a new beginning was all we need.

I went on to check Instagram that one day, October 26. I learned that someone in leadership had contracted COVID-19. It was Aliza.

My sudden concern for the boys' health and safety had since returned. On board for their BE comeback the following month, I just want to tell Cara - who claimed to have been depressed because of the limited opportunities the pandemic had placed on him as a performer - just how lucky he is to still be safe. I understand where he's coming from, where they were coming from and we do too. But until this is over, I would still want them to take safety measures seriously.. in hopes of someday being able to safely meet ARMY again (myself may or may not be included).

I want them to be happy, making us happy.. but what makes us really happy is for them to be safe, as the days count.

While the cure is still being developed in Caratime.

more notes
july  ▪︎  august  ▪︎  september  ▪︎  october  ▪︎  november
i love me    ▪︎    me & you    ▪︎    enjoy yourself    ▪︎    summer notes    ▪︎    to be    ▪︎    full circle    ▪︎    prequel  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 1  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 2