Introduction to Automorphic Representations on GL(2)

Tue. 15:10~17:00 and Thu. 11:10~12:00, September 10 - November 23, 2018

Instructor: Fu-Tsun Wei 魏福村 (NTHU)

Background & Purpose

Theory of automorphic representations is a very important subject in modern number theory. In particular, it is one of the most powerful tools in the research on analytic aspects of L-functions. The purpose of this course is to introduce and study automorphic representations for GL(2).


(1) Weil representations on SL(2)

(2) Explicit construction of representations on GL(2) as quotients of Weil representations

(3) Whittaker models and Kirillov models

(4) Classification of admissible irreducible representations on GL(2)

(5) Local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence via theta lifting

(6) Theory of local L-functions for GL(2) and GL(2)xGL(2)