Keyboard shortcuts can be found in Config\TK17_KeyShortcuts.txt and may be modified, however it should be avoided unless external software and utilities have shortcuts that interfere.

Undo - Redo

Ctrl+Z = Undo last action. 

Shift+Ctrl+Z = Redo last action.


Ctrl+N(ew) = Create a new single, double, threesome or foursome pose, or use a "starter pose" as a template.

Ctrl+S(ave) = Save pose.

Shift+Ctrl+S = Save As. Lets you save a copy of the pose under a different name (or hold Shift when clicking "Save" button).

Ctrl+O(pen) = Open/Load a previously saved pose. 


F = Pivots camera to face the currently active manipulator. Extremely helpful when you can't find the manipulator on the screen.

Left/Right arrows = Rotate camera around model.

Up/Down = Zoom camera In/Out.

(Arrows control last object selected: model, GUI, or toys).

Shift+C = In PoseEdit, set current camera position as the default camera position when the pose loads. Camera position is set on first keyframe.

Shift+F = In PoseEdit, automatically moves selected actor's eyes to look directly at camera (setting a keyframe).

C = Toggle Character Collision. (makes it easier to get the camera in close so it's not obstructed by actors/objects).

Mouse LeftButton = Move camera to look around scene from fixed position.

Mouse RightButton = Rotate camera left/right. Zoom in/out

Mouse LeftButton+RightButton (together at same time) = When target is over model, rotates camera around model. - When target is NOT over model, drags camera left/right/up/down.

Manipulator and Selection

Alt+Mouse LeftButton = Activate manipulator on clicked body part (Default is rotation).

Hold center mouse button to move selected object with mouse (easier than trying to drag using arrow tips).

W - Switch to "Translation" (arrows) manipulator.  (See fig.1 item #3, the "+" or "o" buttons switch between manipulators).

E - Switch to "Rotation" manipulator.

Q = Hide currently selected manipulator. 

Numeric keypad + / - / * = Increase/Decrease/Reset manipulator size. 

Ctrl+A = Toggle panel to display numeric values so you can set translation/rotation precisely instead of using the mouse (pressing again switches back).

Animation/Pose Edit

K = Toggle automatic keying on/off.

Shift+K = Toggle key editing. (Lock/Unlock keys from being changed).

S = Manually set key of currently selected body part at current frame.

Shift+S = Manually sets they key for EVERY body part at that frame.

"." (period) = Jump to next key in timeline. 

Alt+.  (period) = Next frame in timeline (whether it has a key or not). 

"," (comma) = Jump backwards to previous key in timeline. 

Alt+, (comma) = Previous frame in timeline (whether it has a key or not).

Shift+. (decimal on keypad) = Delete keys of ALL actors in the selected frame.

Home = Jump to start of current timeline page.

End = Jump to end of current timeline page.

Alt+1/2/3/...10/-/= = Switch to timeline page 1 thru 12 (use keyboard, not keypad).

{spacebar} = Play/Stop animation preview.

Key Editor (the "key" icon/button at the top of the control panel window).

To copy/paste keys, the frame you wish to copy/paste from/to must be the current frame in the timeline. Right-click the first key among the keys you wish to copy/paste for a submenu, or position the mouse over the first key and use Ctrl-C/V to Copy/paste.

Use the mouse to Left-click lasso keys you wish to copy, allowing you to copy/paste multiple keys at once).

You can manually select non-sequential keys one at a time by holding Shift while clicking on the keys you need to Copy/Paste.

Taking Pictures

Ctrl+P = Take a screenshot (Saved to your "Screenshots" folder or can be viewed via "Media" button on the Main Menu.

Shift+Ctrl+P = Take a hires screenshot. 

Ctrl+Alt+P = Take a screenshot on green background (for "Green screen" effects).

Ctrl+R = Start and stop recording video.


L or Shift+L = Rotate lighting clockwise/counterclockwise (sunrise/sunset) around vertical axis (only works in rooms with natural sunlight).

Alt+L or Ctrl+L = Rotate light around vertical Y/Z-axis (only works in rooms with natural sunlight).

Use Shift to reverse direction of light source rotation.


Shift+Ctrl+G or "J" = Toggle GUI on/off (Pop-up menus and all other keyboard commands suppressed until you exit back).

Shift+Ctrl+R = Toggle room visibility on/off (helpful for finding models hiding behind walls/floors).

Tab = Toggle display of model body parts as a collection of boxes (useful when manipulators are difficult to see).


(Select any model manipulator first..).

Ctrl+Up/Down arrow = Rotate pose around horizontal/X axis backwards/forwards.

Ctrl+Left/Right arrow = Rotate pose around vertical/Y axis clockwise/counterclockwise.

Alt+Left/Right/Up/Down = Move model within scene. Hold Shift to move in smaller increments. (Altering camera position changes direction model moves).

(Arrows control last object selected: model, GUI, or toys).


Decimal/Period (".") to hide GUI and open "Pose Positioning Mode".

Shift+Ctrl+B - Freeze the on-screen action (making it easier to take screenshots). Then use Shift+Ctrl+G or "J" (as described in "Display" shortcuts above) to toggle GUI on/off.

CAUTION: Be sure to toggle Shift+Ctrl+B back on before attempting to save your creation.

Shift+Ctrl+R - Toggle timeline between opaque (making timeline objects easier to see/read) or semi-transparent (so you can see the room underneath.)


F12 = Toggle "Customizer" GUI on/off.

Type "i" to Instantly switch to the Customizer Room (must use gui Back button to return).

Type "x" to activate 1st person cum mode (just like in "FreeMode"). Move penis using mouse.

Shift-x to "Clean-up" any cum on the model.


Available shortcuts:

{Key=Tab} = Show/Hide pick-boxes.

{Key=W} = Set manipulator to translation mode if available.

{Key=E} = Set manipulator to rotation mode if available.

{Key=Q} = Hide manipulator.

{Key=F} = Set cameras look-at point to current manipulator position.

{Key=+} / {Key=-} / {Key=*} = Increase/Decrease/Reset size of manipulator.

{Key=K} = Toggle automatic keying.

{Key=Shift}+{Key=K} = Toggle key editing.

{Key=Shift}+{Key=C} = Key Pose Camera from current view.

{Key=S} = Manually set keys at current frame.

{Key=.} = Jump to next key in timeline.

{Key=,} = Jump to previous key in timeline.

{Key=Home} = Jump to start of current timeline part.

{Key=End} = Jump to end of current timeline part.

{Key=Alt}+{Key=1} / {Key=2} / {Key=3} / {Key=4} = Switch to timeline part 1,2,3 or 4.

{Key=Space} = Start/Stop animation preview.

{Key=Shift}+{Key=F} = Set eye's look-at point to current camera position.

{Key=C} = Toggle Character Collision.