The "Customizer" is where you create/edit your models. Change hair, clothing, skin, reshape the body, apply jewelry, make up, tattoos, and select different features.

Click the "Customize" button beside any actor to enter the "Customizer":

The "Customizer GUI" allows you make changes to your model.

Media Toolbar

There will be between 8 & 11 buttons/icons across the upper right (depending on resolution/window size):

Music Player - TK17's built-in music player controls. Will automatically play any audio files it finds in the "Music" folder (files MUST be in ".ogg" format). 

Album Controls - Provides shortcuts for displaying the 3 types of captured Media: 2D & 3D Screenshots, and movies. 

Share - For exporting models for sharing with other users in ".tgc" format.

Import - Allows you to apply all of the attributes of an imported model to the current model.

(Explanation: When you "Share" a model, users must put the resulting ".tgc" file in the "Community" folder which VX/V11 then detects on launch and imports into the program. Users may then select any model... of the same gender... and replace them [including clothing & makeup] with the imported model using the Import menu.)

Sponge - Remove sperm on body from "1st Person Cumshot/Buttkakke". (Button may be hidden when running in lowrez.)

"1st Person Cumshot/Buttkakke" - A 1st person penis appears for 3 seconds shooting cum onto your model so you can see what they will look like in such poses and adjust accordingly. (Buttons may be hidden when running in lowrez.)

Hide GUI - Toggle the Graphical User Interface on/off so you can see everything unobstructed.

3D Screenshot - takes a Red/Blue separated stereoscopic screenshot for viewing with Red/Blue 3D glasses. 

Record video - Take lowrez fixed-resolution 12fps video recording viewable using the built-in Media player.

Take Screenshot - Capture the screen in PNG format and saved to the "Screenshots" folder.

The directional wheel is an alternate means of moving the camera. Rarely used and can be hidden using the Options Manager.

The Auto Camera, Auto Pose and Keep Still checkboxes:

Click the Green "return" arrow to exit the Customizer back to where you were. If you entered from the Main Menu, it will take you back to the Main Menu. If you were in "Freemode" or the "Pose Editor", it will return you there.

Changes to your model will remain until they are replaced by you or another part of the program. 


Users of the original v7.5 of TK17 may be familiar with a hack known as the "EMFS Tool" that allowed you to use different head/body mods with different models simultaneously (instead of one mod for all).  In VX/V11, there is no longer any need for the "EMFS Tool"! Simply place your head and/or body mods in the "Addons" folder and assign a different mod to each actor.


Moving the camera

(applies to all rooms):

Click & Hold the Left mouse button to move the camera (your view) left/right/up/down. A round target in the center of the screen turns from pink to white when over the body.

Whether or not the target is over the body affects how the Right mouse button camera controls work. If your model's body is positioned in the center of the screen so that the cursor turns white, then click/hold the Right mouse button while moving the mouse left/right to orbit the camera horizontally around your model. Moving the mouse up/down while holding the Right mouse button zooms the camera In/Out whether the target is over your model or not.

If the model is NOT in the center of your screen (so the target is pink), clicking/holding the Right mouse button left/right moves the scene instead of the camera.

Holding both Left AND Right mouse buttons while your model is centered and moving the mouse can tilt the scene simultaneously on both axes. When the target is NOT centered on the model, the camera moves linearly along the X or Y axis depending on mouse movement, similar to a flyby.

NOTE: You can customize the camera controls by clicking "Settings" on the Primary/Startup menu. You'll see two buttons above the settings. The first is "Sound" for adjusting/muting the audio. The second is "Miscellaneous". Play around with the three "Invert mouse" options to find the easiest to use mouse settings. My personal preference is to "Invert X/Y" so you move the center (circle) target with the mouse over the scene instead of moving the scene behind the target.


The Customizer GUI

Across the top of the Customizer control window are a series of buttons to change different aspects of your model (certain game configuration modifications may change the number of buttons).

"Fast Exit" button (if enabled in the Options Manager) will instantly close the program without warning, so be careful.

The Control window can not be moved, but it can be hidden using the "Hide Customizer Controls" button mentioned above, or by hitting "F12" on your keyboard.  "Shift+Ctrl+G" or "J" removes all gadgets and windows. Press the same key again to bring them back.

Dress tab - Select the clothing for your model. Create a custom outfit you may save (up to 200) or load one of the many stock ensembles. Uncheck any item to hide/disable it. This can be useful for hiding/revealing parts of your outfit on demand.

The "Options/Colors" checkbox only appears at the top of the "Dress" tab. Checking it reveals additional Options for hiding body parts, and sliders for adjusting clothing color (if supported).

To save your outfit with all customization intact, click the Save button, select any of the 200 save slots, name your outfit, and click large Save button. Selecting a used slot will overwrite it, so be careful. Load any previously saved outfit (or one of several stock outfits the same way).

Accessories tab - Earrings, piercings, and select positioning controls for items added elsewhere.

Makeup tab - Self-explanatory. Apply makeup including lipstick and nail polish to your model.

Body tab - Customize your models' shape & build including height, arm/leg length, ears, change hair styles, skin, teeth and even eyes. Recolor hair, skin and eyes using the sliders. At the top, any "Body Mods" installed to your "Addons" folder will appear here. When assigning a custom body mesh, you will not see the changes until you exit back the Main Menu and return to the Customizer. Note: Custom bodies can (and frequently do) affect the way clothing is displayed on your model. Extreme body changes can cause "clipping" issues (where the body pokes through clothing).

Tattoo tab - Layer "tattoos" over your model's skin by body region.

FaceMaker tab (first Head button) - Sets various "generalized" features of your model's face, such as age and ethnicity. Also has a built-in stripped-down version of "FaceGen" called "FaceMaker" which can be accessed from here. "FaceGen/FaceMaker" are separate utilities for using a facial photo for your model's face. THIS IS NOT A SHORTCUT for creating more realistic looking models, and requires great skill (as well as a lot of time) to produce satisfactory results. This is also where Face Mods can be selected to change the shape of your model's head using an addon "Head Mod". Just as with Body Mods, you must exit back to the Main Menu and return for changes to appear.

Advanced FaceMaker tab - Manual controls for creating a custom face. Adjust the shape and position of various facial features including eyes, ears, nose & mouth, as well as their relationship to each other.

Personality Editing tab - Set the name, voice, and other characteristics about your model. The Sequencer includes several reserved keywords that you can use to insert your model's name, occupation, etc into the (text) dialog/speech bubble. Different voices offer different spoken phrases you can insert into your Sequence. Change your movie just by using different models.

Special Effects tab - For creating preset lighting for certain rooms. Has no effect in the Customizer Room. May not work with some graphics mods. 

You can change which model to work on simply by clicking on their profile icon at the bottom of the screen.