(and custom models)

What are Mods?

There are two ways to modify TK17: "Addons" & "ActiveMod" (replacement) Textures.

"Addons" add new features to the program. This may consist of:

"Activemod" mods are image files that replace existing textures to give installed objects a new look. This includes all of the textured objects listed above, plus things like "skin", "eyes", "tattoos", etc.

Installing downloaded Poses.

And while not exactly a "mod",  you can install custom models created by other users as well.

Installing "Addons".

Inside VX/V11's directory you will find a folder named (what else?) "Addons" where you add new features.

Addons can exist in four (4) forms: ".txx" files, ".zip" & ".7z" archives, and uncompressed folders. All addon mods require proper placement in TK17's "Addons" folder:

You can have multiple addons all in the same folder. It does not matter to TK17. There is no "performance" advantage to using "zip" vs "7z" vs "uncompressed folders", though if you use a "Mod Manager" like JSGME, it is recommended you ".zip"/".7z" your addons because 1), "txx" archives are automatically extracted/deleted after they are installed, thus preventing your mod manager from managing them and 2), so that the mod manager does not mistake the identically named folders inside every mod as being duplicates.

(Note to users of previous versions of TK17:  Pre-VX versions of TK17 required you to place TXX files and a "Scripts Update" file inside a special folder... "2.114.001"... inside "Archives". This is no longer necessary with VX/V11. Addons now go in the "Addons" folder and "script updates" are no longer required).

Summary: VX/V11 addons come in 3 forms:

If your folder contains anything else, or has been compressed in another format (like .rar), you need to find the addon inside the archive and put THAT in your Addons folder.

Mods containing folders named "Mod" or "Activemod" are not Addons (see below). They only replace the textures of an installed Addon. If the Addon that goes with it is not installed, your Mod will not install.

Installing "ActiveMod" replacement textures.

"Activemod" mods simply replace the textures of existing objects (both stock objects & "addons") and go in a folder that is placed in the "Activemod" folder. You can easily identify them because they typically contain a lot of .png and/or .jp2 image files.

Inside TK17's main folder you will find a folder named "Mod" that contains four other folders, one of which is named "Activemod". The name you give your folder is the name by which it will appear inside the program, so name your folders appropriately.

When using TK17 to customize a model, the "Customizer" will list all ActiveMod retextured items using the folder name you gave your Activemod mod. All Activemod textures will have the same icon... the icon of the object they are modding. Only Addon objects have unique icons.

Tip: If you prefer your menus to display names instead of numbers, that can be set from the "Options Manager" on the "GUI/UI" tab.

Installing downloaded Poses.

If you download pose (".pes") files from the Internet, here is how to install them for your own use:

Copy the *.pes file and its icon (either in .png or .jp2 format) to your "Community\PoseEdit\" folder. If there is a name conflict, rename/renumber your pose before copying.

The "Community\PoseEdit\" folder is strictly for importing poses. If you try to edit poses in this folder, TK17 will force you to save it to your "Save" folder (where it will be renumbered.) And then you will have TWO copies of the pose (old & new versions) until you delete the one you no longer need. This is why is it so important that you try to keep the "Community\PoseEdit\" folder empty.

If you have a lot of poses that need to be moved to your "Save" folder but it would take too long to load/save each one by hand one at a time, you can use a free utility called "TKX_Utils.exe" which has a "Move" feature that will automatically move & renumber every pose in the "Community\PoseEdit\" folder to your "Save" folder.

Installing custom models.

TK17's built-in system for Importing custom models created by other users is a bit buggy and not recommended. You should instead use the following method:

That's it. When you restart TK17, your new model will be installed and selected as "SexMate" (you can assign your new model to any other actor, but only one copy at a time.)