Using the Sequencer (Quick-start instructions):

It all comes down to this: TK17 is "movie maker" software, and (just about) every feature of the program exists to create movies: creating & testing actors, outfits, and poses all for use in the Sequencer. Exactly as the name suggests, you string together a sequence of poses/events to make an entire movie. Dress and undress your models, control the camera, add titles and transitions between scenes. You can even add choices to create your own sex games with branching to create interactive stories! You can change rooms so your entire movie does not need to take place in the same location, and you can swap actors so you can have more than four (4) performers in your story (though you can still have only four on-screen at once.)  Think of the Sequencer as where you script & perform your movie (TK17 has a built-in video recorder, but it is so astoundingly bad... using a proprietary codec with low 12fps frame-rate, no sound, and embedded watermark... that it is not suggested anyone use it. Instead, a 3rd party video capture app is recommend).

The Sequencer presents you with 9 infinite timelines. Each column is one second and where you decide what happens and when. Drop a pose on the "Poses" line to add actors to your scene. The earlier (further left) you drop an object (outfit, pose, effect or command) on your timeline, the earlier it's applied. The actors, outfits, and poses were all created elsewhere in TK17. Insert special effects, text bubbles, sound-effects, change lighting, set the camera position and even add spoken audio phrases from among the model's voice library.

Change/alter your actor's costumes by dropping/setting them on their timeline. Your actor will continue to wear an outfit or act out a pose until you assign a new one further down the timeline. So if you drop an outfit on the first frame and never replace it further down, your model will continue to wear that outfit for the entire movie. The same for "poses". A pose will loop infinitely until you replace it with another further down the timeline. Position the screen as desired then drop a "Camera" object on the timeline to force the camera to move to that position during playback. Move the timeline slider to the beginning (drag the position "Tracker" button or click "|⏪") and click the Play ("▶️") button to watch the result.

Experiment, Experiment, Experiment.

Creating your first Sequence

The best way to understand how to create sequences is to follow along as we create a simple movie. Starting with a blank timeline in an empty room:

Step 1 - Adding a Room:

From the Main Menu, select the room you wish your sequence to take place in (Note: If you plan to change rooms during a sequence, ONLY the "Sequencer Room" lets you do this). When starting with the "Sequencer Room", your playfield is initially black. If you start with a pre-selected room, that room will appear instead. For this tutorial, we will use the Sequencer Room (figure 1b).

Important note: Creating and saving sequences in the special "Sequencer Room" will only allow those saved sequences to be reloaded in the special "Sequencer Room" and no other, they won't be visible for selection in any other room. This is because every individual room has been assigned a different room number and saved sequences have been assigned that number where it was saved. However, the special "Sequencer Room" can load any sequence saved from any other room.

fig 1a - Room Selector
fig 1b - Selecting the Sequencer Room

When the Sequencer loads, click the green "jewel" in the bottom center (or simply press the spacebar) to open the "SexBrowser" window (titled "TK17 Browser" in V11.) This is where you will find all content for your sequence.

fig 1c - The Empty Stage
fig 1d - Room Selection

Note: The "Room" menu (fig 1d) is only available if you selected the "Sequencer Room" from the Main Menu. Only sequences edited here have the ability to change rooms during your sequence. If your entire movie/sequence takes place in a single room, it is recommended you start the Sequencer using your desired room.

Click the "ROOM" tab, locate the "Asian Bedroom" and drag it to the first frame of your timeline (fig 1e). Drop the room on the "Actions" timeline. After a few seconds, the room should appear.

Attention! You MUST place a room on the very first second (0:00) of your timeline. If you place it further down the timeline and try to insert objects before it, after you save & reload your sequence, the program will automatically move the room object to the first frame and shift everything else one second to the right!

fig 1e - First Room goes on 0:00.

Step 2 - The Timelines:

fig 2a - The Timelines
fig 2b - Adding Title Text

Next, we want a Title. Click the "EXTRAS" tab in the "SexBrowser". Locate the "Intro" object and drag it to the "Actions" timeline just after your room. Left-click the Intro object once it is on your timeline to set the text. Enter anything you like and click the close button (on its upper right) to set it. (You can close the "SexBrowser" by clicking the close button, hitting the Spacebar, or simply click the jewel again. But for now, leave it open).

Note: While Intro text automatically fades in by default, it does not automatically fade back out. The "Fade Out" object causes the entire scene (room & all) to fade-to-black. Instead, use "Clear Text" to remove just the title.

The timeline position button on the dark-gray line above the timeline is called "The Tracker". 

We want our title to remain on screen for about four seconds (or enough time to read depending on the amount of text), so either click the dark-gray line above the timeline just after the first vertical hash-mark (0:05) or drag the the Tracker 4 seconds to the right. Drop a "Clear Text" object on the "Actions" timeline to remove the Intro text from the screen. Don't worry. You didn't permanently erase your text. You simply told the Sequencer to remove it from the screen at this point in the timeline. If you move the Tracker left to just before the "Clear Text" object and it will reappear.

Some objects placed on the timeline offer additional functions, which can be accessed by right-clicking on them:

Step 3 - Poses:

Next, we will add our first pose. Where on the timeline you place your pose decides when it appears during playback. Open the "SexBrowser" by clicking on the green Jewel or by hitting the spacebar. Click the "Poses" tab and find a pose of your choosing.

We want our pose to appear as soon as the Intro text is removed from the screen, so drag your pose from the "SexBrowser" to the "Poses" timeline directly above the "Clear Text" object at the 5 second mark:

fig 3a - Our first pose

Note: If the pose does not appear after dropping it on your timeline, make sure The Tracker is directly above (or to the right of) your pose. The Tracker displays your sequence as it will appear at that point in time.

Right-click the pose object you dropped on your timeline and you will get a tiny pop-up menu that allows you to change the location and playback speed of your pose:

Poses play at the default/slowest speed when loaded. Only the speed of "Interactive" poses can be adjusted using this menu. Poses created as "Animations" are "linear" and play at a set speed. Also, the "Orgasm" object ("Extras") only triggers the "Orgasm Loop" of Interactive poses and has no effect on linear "Animated" poses (see the top of "fig 2a" in the "Pose" tutorial.)

(Note: Poses will loop forever until you replace them with another pose or insert a "Clear Pose" object).

fig 3b - Pose sub-menu

Drag the speed slider to adjust the playback speed of your pose. Slow to Fast left to right. "Animation" poses continue to play while only "Interactive" poses can be stopped (except for default movement.)

The Sequencer has an entire collection of "Sequencer Only" poses... mostly "conversation" and other non-sex poses... helpful for telling your story. On the "Poses" tab of the "SexBrowser" is a folder labeled "Sequencer". Drag a pose of your choosing to your timeline around the 9 second mark:

fig 3c - Sequencer-Only poses

Right-click the "Tracker" button on trackbar for a pop-up menu allowing you to Insert/Delete seconds at that point in your timeline. All frames directly below and to the right of wherever you click on the timeline will be shifted to the right. Or remove all empty frames between the point you clicked on up to the very next object in any column (for now, don't worry about Inserting/Removing any frames. Click anywhere else or hit the Esc key to close to popup.)

Note: Advanced users can also import an entire sequence at this point in the timeline via this menu.

fig 3d - Insert/Remove seconds

Step 4 - Costume Changes:

Now would be a good time to make changes to our actor's outfits. By default, actors load wearing the last outfit assigned in the Customizer (or their "starred" Default outfit). You should preset what outfits your actors wear on the very first frame (0:00 seconds). In the "SexBrowser", open the "Outfits" tab, find an outfit of your choosing and drag it to the timeline of the actor you want to wear it (only supported timelines will highlight, so you can't drop male clothing on the timeline of a female actor.)

If you right-click the outfit object you placed on your timeline, you will get a pop-up that allows you to hide/show different articles of clothing. Lets remove the pants/panties of "SexMate" and "MySelf" by unchecking their boxes from each outfit.

Tip: Make sure "The Tracker" is over the Outfit object to see your changes. If the Tracker is to the left of the object, you will not see your changes.

You can do costume changes at any time. Simply drop another outfit further down the timeline to change what your actor is wearing.

Tip: If you already know the name of the object you want/need, you can insert it by left-clicking any empty cell on the appropriate timeline and selecting the object from a pop-up menu. What you can insert/change depends on the timeline/row you click.

fig 4 - Hide clothing("SexBrowser" size was set to "Small" and moved out of the way so you can see the changes).

Step 5 - Relocate Pose:

Poses don't have to play out exactly where they were set in the Pose Editor. You can relocate your poses virtually anywhere.

Insert a simple two actor pose 2 seconds after our last one. Click the "Poses" tab and double-click the "Dual" folder to show only poses with two actors. Locate "Missionary" (Note: Multiple poses can have the same name. There are two solo poses also with the same name. We don't want that those).

This is an "Interactive" pose so the actors will not start moving on their own. You will have to set the speed slider on the pose (fig 3b) if we want the actors to start automatically.

The dual "Missionary" pose defaults to on the bed. Let's move the pose someplace else. There are two ways to do this:

Let's move our pose from the Bed to the Carpet by selecting a different preset target location:

fig 5a - Pose in default location
Fig 5b - Pose moved to floor

Right-click the pose for its popup menu. Click "Carpet" and check the box to move the pose to that preset location.

Hmm. We don't want them on the floor when we have a perfectly good bed. But I didn't care for the default location, so let's move them back to the bed but in a different spot:

First, use the same method above to change the location back to the Bed.

Next, close the SexBrowser window. Then hold down the right mouse button and zoom out until the bed is fully visible.

Next, hit the decimal/period key on the keypad or keyboard. The timeline and all other controls will be hidden so you can see the entire scene unobstructed.

Left-click anywhere on the bed to relocate your pose (you can do this as many times as needed to adjust your location). You can click right thru actor bodies. No need to click around them. Once you've repositioned your pose, right-click to exit this mode.

To position your pose using the keyboard:

Important note: Rotating and placing the pose accurately on a surface depends on the camera angle relative to the actors. When rotating, ensure the camera angle is aligned as closely as possible to the "floor" or surface you want the actors/pose to rest on before rotating, or the pose may rotate unpredictably.  The new position will be saved with the sequence and can also be copied from one pose to another in the timeline by right-clicking the pose you just moved, then selecting Copy Position. Right-click the pose you want this position copied to and select Paste Position.

This can also be done in the Pose Editor using key combinations:

The one caveat is that if you position a pose this way in the Pose Editor, your pose will not be saved at that precise location. The feature only exists so you may preview how a pose might look at that location in the Sequencer.

Step 6 - Insert Toys / Change Actors / Emotes & Sounds

You can automatically add "Toys" to your scene even if they weren't included in the original pose.

From the "Toys" menu, drag any toy to the timeline of the actor you wish to use it on. Right-click for a pop-up menu that lets you set where on the body to use the toy and the speed at which it should move.

Note: use a speed of zero if you want the user to move the toy manually (drag with mouse during playback.) Toys added to poses via the sequencer are "insertion" only, including whips & paddles). Below we added some "Anal Beads" and set the speed to slow.

fig 6a - Toys

While TK17 supports as many as four actors on screen at the same time, you can make it appear as though you have many more characters in your movie by swapping models
in mid-sequence.

In the "SexBrowser", open the "Models" tab. Only clones based on the same ID as your actors are offered. Drag the desired model onto the timeline of the model you wish to change. Only the timelines of models that share the same ID will be available. For this reason, I recommend you use the same stock model as the basis for every new model.

fig 6b - Replacing actors

Emotes:  You can change the facial expressions of your models using "Emotes" even if their face was set in the pose. Simply drag the Emote to that actor's timeline to change their facial expression.

Voices:  In the "Customizer" room of your model (on the "Personality" tab), you can set the voice of your actors. Each voice has a collection of preset phrases and sounds ("ooh's & ahh's") associated with them. On the "Voices" tab, you will see every sound each of your actors is capable of producing. Drop these sound objects on the proper actor's timeline and they will speak/make that sound at that moment in your movie (Note: Unlike poses, sounds DO NOT loop when they finish playing).

Step 7 - Extra/Effects:

The Sequencer allows you to add all sorts of special effects to your movie. Simply drag an object from the "SexBrowser" window to your timeline (only eligible timelines will highlight) at the point in time you want them to appear. Dropping them anywhere else will cancel the action.  Some objects (like text bubbles) need you to set them after placement.

"Narrator" text box: ONLY goes on the "Action" timeline. Left-click to enter your text. Right-click to select placement (Note: Selecting "Bottom" Left/Center/Right temporarily places the box just above the timelines, but moves to the bottom of the screen during playback).

Speech/Thought bubbles: Can only be placed on Actor timelines. Left-click the timeline object to enter your text. (Note: The actor's mouth will move as if speaking when using the "Talk" or "Shout" bubbles, but will NOT move when using the "Think" bubble.)

Sequencer text fields support nine preset (case sensitive) dynamic variables which are parsed and replaced with values set in the actor's bio (on the Customizer's "Personality Editing" tab):

(#PersonXXName) ... the model's name

(#PersonXXGender) ... their gender (Male/Female/Shemale)

(#PersonXXAge) ... age

(#PersonXXNationality) ... nationality

(#PersonXXOrientation) ... sexual orientation

(#PersonXXSign) ... horoscope sign

(#PersonXXPersonality) ... personality type

(#PersonXXOccupation) ... occupation

(#PersonXXRelationship) ... relationship status

Replace XX with the two-digit number of the actor whose info you wish to read:01 ... MySelf.02 ... SexMate.03 ... 3SomeMate.04 ... 4SomeMate.


(#Person01Name) will be replaced with the name of 'MySelf'.

(#Person02Gender) will be replaced with the gender of 'SexMate'.

The (#PersonXXGender) field also includes a conditional syntax for gender specific text (eg: Have 'MySelf' say 'My girlfriend' if male or 'My boyfriend' if female. Or say 'my dick' vs 'my pussy' depending on gender). The syntax is (#PersonXXGender?Female_Text|Male_Text|Shemale_Text) with gender-appropriate text assigned in that order. Note the '?' delimiter after which you set your options, and the '|' separators for the different responses. You can leave one option empty but the two delimiters must exist!

Tip: If you plan on recording your movie as a video, you can change the default Sequencer font and text size from the "Settings" menu:

fig 7a - Change default sequencer font

Some (but not all) objects you can place on the timelines:

"Camera" - There are two different camera objects: The standard "Basic Camera"... essentially a hand-held camera,  and "Free Camera"... a studio camera where you control the motion. "Basic Camera" allows you to set the camera to 1st/3rd person view while the "Free Camera" does not. "Free Camera" can fly between positions gradually over time where as "Basic Camera" changes position instantly.

"Free Camera" & "Basic Camera":

When using "Free Camera", the camera will begin moving into position immediately as the sequence plays. The more frames between camera views, the slower the transition. If you do not want to camera to "fly" into position, check "Disable camera movement" from the right-click menu of the camera object at the target position.

With "Basic Camera", the view does not move until you hit that particular frame, and the entire transition is performed in one second or less. The number of frames leading up to a "Basic Camera" object on the timeline has NO impact on how long it takes for the camera to fly into position. Only "Basic Camera" supports "POV" angles. You can set the speed at which both "Camera" objects fly into position by right-clicking on it in the timeline and moving the speed slider to the left (slower) or right (faster.) And again, if you do not want to camera to "fly" into position, check "Disable camera movement" from the right-click menu.

Free Camera "Interpolation" options (Right-click):

Tip: If you move the screen AFTER placing a camera object on the timeline, you must drop a NEW camera object on top of it to change the saved camera position (if desired.)

"Fade In/Out": Do a quick screen fade-in/fade-to-black. Affects the entire scene. Adjust fade speed by right-clicking the object on your timeline and moving the speed slider. Move the slider to the right for a longer fade in/out. (Note: You must use a Fade OUT before you can use Fade IN or else there will be nothing to "fade in" from. A Fade In/Out with the slider all the way to the left is instant).

"Intro/Credits": Add text for a simple title screen or end credits (Note: Credits do NOT scroll).

"Drop Tools": Remove toy added via the sequencer from the screen (has NO effect on toys included by the Pose itself.)

"Orgasm": When using an "Interactive" pose, triggers a model's "Orgasm Loop".

"Cleanup": If model has cum on them following an "Orgasm", Cleanup removes it from all actors.

"Light": Save the current Position/Rotation of lights (set by hand) and change color/intensity of lights shining on objects (actors, clothing and toys) in your room (but not the room itself.) One ambient & 3 directional. See fig 7b below. Light Rotation  is set using the keyboard: "L" & "Shift + L" around X-axis - "Ctrl + L" and "Shift + Ctrl + L" around Y-axis (Note: Light Rotation set via the "Special Effects" tab of the F12 Customizer GUI are universal and will NOT be saved with your sequence.) Note: VX version 1.00M or above is required to record light rotation as part of your sequence.

Rotate the lights to a preferred angle, then place the "Light" object at the correct point in your timeline (Note: Light rotation can NOT be set while the "Light Color" window is open!) Left-click on the Light object on your timeline to change individual colors, Light_01 is ambient and affects all actors and objects. Other lights are directional. Once satisfied, close the window to record your settings (see fig.8c below for an example of altered lighting.) 

Light color and rotation will change gradually between two set "Light" objects on your timeline. If you do not want this, right-click the Light object on the timeline and click "No animation" from the submenu.

fig 7b - Light controls


"Clear Pose": will remove all actors/toys from the screen without forcing you to replace it with another one.

"Look At": If no Neck Rotation is set in a pose, you can change a model's default head movement.

Jumps: Allow you to jump throughout your timeline to control the storyline (Explained in detail below).

"Sweat Intensity": Manually increase the actor's "gloss/shine" independent of Arousal level.

Anything added to the timeline can be removed either by Right-clicking and selecting "Delete" or dragging them to the "jewel" (bottom center globe) beneath the timelines.

Step 8 - Using Jumps to Control the Story

Sequences can contain Jump points to create multiple choice branching and interactive storytelling capabilities:

"Jump Mark" is essentially a Bookmark that will be referenced by your jump points. They are invisible to the user and will not appear in your scene.

"Jump To": A direct, unqualified, jump to any "Jump Mark" in your timeline.

"Optional Jump": Give the user up to 3 choices that branch to different "Jump Marks" in your story line. Blank entries are not displayed. A single option acts as a "pause" that does not continue until the user is ready.

To use Jumps:

First, place "Jump Marks" at the point in your timeline that you want your story to branch to. Left-click the object if you wish to give your bookmark a descriptive name. You need to set your Jump Marks first or you will have to go back to set your Branches/Jumps.

If you want your story to skip over an entire section of timeline, use a "Jump To" object. Right-click the "Jump To" object for a pop-up listing all existing "Jump Marks". Check the one you want your story to branch to. Also useful for returning to your original question after an "Optional Jump" so users can try again.

An "Optional Jump" allows you to give the user up to three choices and branch to a different "Jump Mark" based on those choices. Left-click the Opt. Jump object to set your choices (you can have up to 3. You don't have to use them all but there's no way to create more). At the end of each choice, Left-click the flag to set the "Jump Mark" target.

Note: Jumping backwards in the timeline may cause the Sequencer to stall the animation for some 15 seconds or be out of synchronization. Likewise jumping into the middle of a pose can cause loss of sync, as the pose ("Animation" type poses) will be played back from their start or frame zero, irrespective of the Jump Mark placement. It's better to "Jump to" a pose start position forward on the timeline to retain sync. Again, experiment.

fig 8a - Setting Jump Marks
fig 8b - Setting Optional Jumps
fig 8c - Make a choice.

Step 9 - Change Actors & Rooms

While TK17 supports up to four actors on screen at one time, you can create the appearance of having more actors in your story by swapping out any actor with another (provided they share the same Base ID.)

Every stock model has it's own "Base ID". If you create your own custom model, you start with a clone a stock model. That stock model and every every "clone" based on it can be swapped for one another in your sequence.

To swap models, open the "SexBrowser" window and click on the "Model" tab. When you attempt to replace a model, only timelines of models that share the same Base ID are activated. If the timeline of the model you wish to replace is not enabled, you can not use that particular model.

Simply drop the desired model on the timeline of the model you wish to replace and the sequence will instantly replace the actor (but wearing the same clothes). Tip: Insert an Outfit change between a "Jump To" and "Jump Mark" just prior to changing models. The story will jump over the costume change *prior to* changing models, yet the new model will appear with the new outfit already applied.


Also new to TK17, you can change rooms in mid-sequence (Note: You can only do this in the "Sequencer Room" [see figure 1b]).

Open the "SexBrowser" and go to the "Rooms" tab. Drag any room icon to the "Actions" timeline to have it load at that point in your movie. Be aware that Rooms can be slow to load, stalling your sequence momentarily. It's therefore important to leave enough time in your sequence for the room to load to maintain continuity. Playing back the sequence a second time might reduce room loading time somewhat as the files are cached.

Step 10 - Importing & Exporting sequences

Once you've completed your sequence, hopefully you'll want to share it. Sharing sequences has two big advantages over prerecorded movies:


First, you should save your completed sequence. Then locate the "Share Sequence" button on the toolbar and click on it, opening the "Share Sequence" window:

Next, select the sequence you wish to share (typically, the file you just saved) and click the "Share Sequence" button on the bottom right of the window.

Optional: Give your sequence a title and description ("Tags" are ignored. TK17 no longer sorts Sequences into folders like "Pose Edit" does).

Click "Upload" and a File Save window will appear (TK17 does not connect to the Internet or "upload" anything.) You can save your shared sequence anywhere you like, but be sure to give your file the ".tgc" extension so it can be imported later.

The exported .tgc file will contain copies of every pose you used in your sequence and any "outfit" configurations used (but NOT the clothing items themselves). Note: Using "Addon" clothing in your sequence can be problematic because not every user has the same addon clothing items installed, and frequently, textures get renamed. So it is highly recommended that you only use Stock clothing in sequences you wish to share.


To Import a sequence shared by another user, place the "*.tgc" file in the "Community" (NOT "Community\Sequencer\") folder and launch TK17. It will automatically detect the sequence and install it when the program starts. Sequencer .tgc files contain all the information required to recreate the sequence (timeline & poses but not anything requiring an addon). Addons or Activemod textures (toys & clothing) must be installed separately AND each item must be installed using the IDENTICAL name as the creator of the sequence (or else if will be unable to locate them.)

For maximum compatibility, it is HIGHLY recommended that you only use Stock clothing & toys when creating a sequence you intend to share.

The "Sequencer Room" can load any sequence created in any room, but not vice versa.

Step 11 - Sound Effects & Voices

You can easily add sound effects, speech, moans, etc to your movie by dragging them to the "Actions" timeline. 


As noted in the section on the "Customizer, you can assign a voice to each model on the Personality Editing tab. In "FreeMode", a model's arousal level or pose selection can trigger "Events" that cause your model to say specified sounds. But in a sequence, no ambient/room sounds or speech take place unless you the director places that sound on the timeline.

Sound Effects are found on the "Sound FX" tab of the "SexBrowser". Voice clips spoken by all four actors appear on the "Voices" tab. The available clips change based on the voice selected for each model. The number beside each sample indicates which model is speaking. For example, you can not place a "2" ("SexMate") voice clip on the "MySelf" (Actor 1) line (and vice versa.)

Place each sample on the column of the exact second you want the sample played. Careful placement allows you to time your audio clips with the activity of your story.

New to V11: You can ADD YOUR OWN CUSTOM EFFECTS by placing them in the "Sounds01" folder of your V11 installation (currently, additional folders & subfolders are not supported.) All clips must be in ".ogg" format.

Add your own sound effects, speech, moans, even music and dialog without the need for special software or addons.

Sequencer Voices

Sequencer Sound Effects

Step 12 - Tips