
The State of Pregnant & Parenting Students in California, July 11, 2024

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, hear from a panel of mothers during "The State of Pregnant and Parenting Students in California: A Student-Parent Roundtable on the Impacts of AB 2881." They will discuss their experiences on campus post-AB 2881 implementation and will shed light on how student parents have been supported, as well as what work remains to be done. Passed in 2022, the legislation called for: 

LINK to register for the webinar.

Distinguished Scholarship Award (2023-2024), awardee (1 of 3), May 22, 2024

Recipient of the Distinguished Scholarship Award for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Forthcoming in Southwestern Law Review (2024)

Dropping soon in Southwestern Law Review!

LINK to Journal.

Film Screening: Raising Up, May 21, 2024

There was a wonderful gathering of students, staff, faculty, and community members who came together on May 21, 2024 at California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo to learn more about the lives of student parents in higher education.

Grateful to the Dean of Students team: Joy M. PedersenI am thankful to the Dean of Students team: Joy M. Pedersen, Ph.D., Courtney Moore, Everardo Vences-Gonzalez at Cal Poly Scholars & Roberto Ruiz at EOPS for collaborating on this event.


Appreciations to the Bailey College Equity and Inclusion Fund for supporting this learning together. 

Hosted in the College of Engineering (Advanced Technologies Labs)

Learn more about the series: 

Press Release: Cal Poly Chosen for Community of Practice to Improve Data Collection and Support of Parenting Students, May 14, 2024.

Learn more about our Community of Practice for pregnant and parenting students with the Urban Institute.

LINK to Press Release.

Celebration of TIER cohort 3! May 10, 2024.

End of year celebration with TIER cohort 3 at the HUB.

Learn more about our U.S. Department of Education Teacher Quality Partnership grant, Teaching for Inclusivity and Equity (TIER), LINK.

Celebrating Cristian Reyes, winner of Learning by Doing Good, May 1, 2024

Congrats to Cal Poly Senior Cristian Reyes, awardee for Learning by Doing Good Award (Engagement). 

Quoted by the National Assessment Governing Board, May 2024

Sharing some work I've been a part of with NAEP, revising the 2028 Science Framework.

Learn more about the NAEP Science Framework 2028, LINK

AERA, Philadelphia, April 2024

Cultivating Teachers of Color: Culturally and Linguistically Affirming Programs and Spaces, Research, and Racial Justice. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Penn Convention Center

Cal State News: Counted: Data Collection on Student Parents, March 25, 2024

Read more about our work with the Urban Institute on data collection on student parents.

LINK to article.

Cal Poly HSI Mini Grant Awardee, 2024

Our School of Education team was awarded a mini-grant in the amount of $4,604.00 to support bilingual, Latinx Cal Poly teacher candidates enrolled the Spanish Authorization for Bilingual Educators (SABE) program. 

Learn more about our grant, LINK.

The California Alliance for Student Parent Success, March 5, 2024.

Serving as an advisory board member at The California Alliance for Student Parent Success (2023-present).

Learn more about the Alliance: LINK

CIRCLS '23 NSF Mock Review Panel Fellow, CIRCLS (Nov 2-3, 2023), Alexandria, VA.

As part of the NSF Mock Review Panel organized by CIRCLS, fellow Tina Cheuk engaged in professional development in writing and reviewing NSF grant proposal related to emerging educational technologies this past summer 2023.  Part of her fellowship includes attending the 2023 CIRCLS convening in DC on Nov 2-3, 2023.  The theme of this convening: Shaping AI and Emerging Technologies to Empower Learning Communities.

She will be part of this expertise exchange session titled: Facilitating Interdisciplinary Collaboration through Value Surfacing on Nov 2, 2023 (11 am EST).

Abstract: Interdisciplinary collaborations are powerful in the way that they bring together people with different expertises and perspectives to solve complex real-world problems. However, they pose challenges to participants, who often come in with different goals and values, and may struggle to converge on a shared understanding and purpose. In this session, we will introduce some methods employed in an AI CIRCLS Project Incubator for facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations, with a focus on future-thinking activities designed to surface values and help project groups come together. Participants in the session will engage in one of these activities themselves as an introduction to how these methods function and their potential benefits and drawbacks. We will then collectively reflect on the ways in which those methods were effective or ineffective for surfacing individuals’ values and assisting individuals in resolving conflicts in the values that arose. 

Learn more about CIRCLS ' 23 Convening in DC: 

Mustang News coverage of our most recent $60K grant from the Urban Institute (Oct 18, 2023)

Cal Poly’s Data-to-Action Campaign for Parenting Students work will be led by Urban Institute. Our goal is to be part of a Community of Practice (CoP) aimed at enhancing our capacity to identify and provide targeted support for parenting students, particularly single mothers. These efforts hold tremendous promise not only for our institution but for the broader higher educational landscape.

Read more here: 

Data to Action Campaign for Parenting Students (Oct 12-13, 2023), Eugene, OR

Our team convened in Eugene, Oregon to kick off our work in the Data to Action: Campaign for Parenting Students work. We will be in a community of practice with the campuses and campus system shown in the photo.

COVID Caregiving webinar with Southwestern Law Review (Oct 6, 2023)

Dr. Tina Cheuk and Maya Valree (Cal Poly Alumna, now at EdTrust West) will talk about their most recent Law Review article on Friday, October 6, hosted by Southwestern Law Review. Our article titled, Impact of the COVID19 Care Crisis for  Student Parents in Higher Ed will be out this winter.

Forging Equitable Futures for Student Parents 

(Sept 14-15, 2023, Los Angeles)

CSU Pregnant and Parenting Student Network (Advisory Team). 

Forging Equitable Futures for Student Parents 

(Sept 14-15, 2023, Los Angeles)

In-Person Statewide Summit, Sept 14-15, 2023 in Los Angeles

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, PreK-12 STEM Education Innovations, Committee Member (Sept 2023-April 2025).

Dr. Tina Cheuk has been nominated and selected as a committee member for a consensus study on PreK-12 STEM Education Innovations.

Learn more about the committee: 

Central Valley Region Interdisciplinary Symposium on Education Research hosted by Fresno State (June 23-25, 2023).

Dr. Tina Cheuk will be speaking at CV-RISER at Fresno State on June 24, 2023.  Her talk is titled" Fostering just and thriving learning communities: Tools for public scholars committed to racial justice.

Learn more about the conference: 

CSU Basic Needs Research Consortium Summer Meeting, CSU Long Beach, June 6-8, 2023.

Dr. Tina Cheuk will be at the upcoming BNRC Summer Meeting hosted by CSU Long Beach.

CSU Basic Needs Research Consortium (BNRC) summer meeting theme is: Student Human Rights.  BNRC seeks to maximize collective impact by bringing faculty research experts together. The Consortium will leverage existing research efforts, coordinate efforts to seek research funding, generate landmark new research, and contribute evidence to influence policy. The Consortium will facilitate collaboration, networking, and utilization of systemwide resources.  Our goal is to reduce equity gaps in retention, academic success, and graduation by building a CSU systemwide BNRC to integrate and build momentum for research efforts related to the basic needs of students. 

To learn more about CSU Basic Needs: 

2023 Annual RILE Lecture at Stanford University (May 25, 2023).

Dr. Tina Cheuk will be sharing her work and her pathway into academia at the 2023 annual RILE lecture hosted by Stanford Graduate School of Education.

Ascend at the Aspen Institute’s Collaborative Action for Student Parents Convening (May 17 - May 19, 2023)

Dr. Tina Cheuk recently attended Ascend Postsecondary Success for Parents Initiative's Collaborative Action for Student Parents in Washington, D.C. 

Convening goals included:

President's Diversity Award (faculty winner) (May 2023).

Dr. Tina Cheuk is a mentor, educator, and supporter of underrepresented students on campus. She has consistently mentored historically underserved communities, uplifting first-generation and BIPOC students. She makes herself available to better fit the schedules of students with dependents, previously was the faculty advisor for the Students with Dependents Coalition Club, and is an advocate for policy changes such as AB-2881 to better support parents who are navigating university. Dr. Cheuk has also supports Educators of Color through her courses and curriculum, focusing on bring equity and inclusion to classrooms by uplifting future educators who are of underrepresented backgrounds.

For more: 

'Grant us the sun' dinner with aspiring and current educators at Cal Poly co-hosted with the Black Academic Excellence Center (May 15, 2023)

Join us in sharing stories around moments of joy in learning, and reflect in ways that teachers, and educators at large (including family members) have shaped our learning trajectories to date. 

This spring ‘Kitchen-Table Conversation’ organized by the School of Education in partnership with Black Academic Excellence Center (BAEC) is a step toward our collective goals in pursuit of social justice. Our goal is to connect with students who may be interested in the field of education, center the stories that have brought us together at Cal Poly, and discuss pathways into teaching.

More about the event:

AASHE Webinar: Pregnant and Parenting Students Belonging and Thriving Framework (May 10, 2023).

College success for pregnant and parenting students has important implications for racial, ethnic, and economic equity in higher education. Among students of color, one in three black students, one in three Native American students, and one in five Latinx students are parents. There is not a more opportune time as the visibility of care work has been propelled to the foreground during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pregnant and Parenting Students Belonging and Thriving Framework aims to ensure that students enrolled in higher educational institutions are healthy places where student parents and their children belong and thrive. This framework aims to address root issues of the disparate and fragmented range of current practices and policies that have been inadequate in serving this unseen and often invisibilized student population. Rather than starting at the organizational spaces of higher ed itself — this framework embraces the wholeness and complexity of student parent life, moving away from the traditional bifurcated academic vs. student affairs approach that is predominant in higher ed spaces. 

This webinar will discuss how this tool, organized around five sustainable foci (i.e., community building, healing, self-determination, mutual power, and shared access to opportunities) can be useful in transforming the educational and life experiences for pregnant and parenting students who have been historically and systematically marginalized in higher educational spaces.

To access the recording: 

Celebrating Employee of the Year: Maya Valree (April 2023).

Congratulations to Student Parent Joy graduate assistant Maya Valree on her recent recognition Cal Poly Student Employee of the Year.  We are joined by her champions from Cal Poly Scholars, School of Education, and the Black Academic Excellence Center (BAEC). Awardees attended a luncheon hosted by CP President Armstrong.

To learn more: 

AERA: Teacher residencies in California (April 15, 2023).

Colleagues from the California State University system collaborated on this recent round table discussion at AERA on Teacher Residency programs. 

Reproductive Justice and Parenting as a Student Panel (April 18, 2023).

Dr. Cheuk served as a faculty moderator for a recent panel titled, Reproductive and Parenting as a Student, organized jointly by Cal Poly Campus Health and Wellbeing and Cal Poly Students with Dependents.

California Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA (March 2023)

A number of our TIER residents (in bilingual education, multiple & single subject) attended the annual 2023 CABE conference in Long Beach.  We were joined by alumni and teacher candidates in the Spanish Authorization Bilingual Education (SABE) program at Cal Poly SOE.

Supporting Parenting Students: Recommendations for Implementing New California Law (AB-2881) (March 2023).

Joined by Assemblymember Marc Berman, the CSU Student Parent Network shared and discussed best practices for implementing AB 2881, a new law in California that requires colleges and universities to prioritize registration for student parents and provide them with the resources and support critical to their success. The webinar focused on the importance of this law in removing barriers that inhibit academic success and degree attainment for student parents at California’s community colleges, CSUs, and University of California campuses (UCs).

CCTE Innovative Practices in Teacher Education Award (Oct 2022).

CCTE Innovative Practices in Teacher Education Award to California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo School of Education and Liberal Studies Team. This award is given in recognition of programs which are focused on practices developing and implementing anti-bias and anti-racist teaching in teacher education. The Cal Poly SLO team is recognized for two transformative pedagogical shifts: the creation of a course focused specifically on developing Teachers of Color by Dr. Oscar Navarro and Dr. Tina Cheuk and the faculty co-sponsorship of a student-led club, Educators of Color, co-led by Dr. Tina Cheuk and Dr. Amanda Frye. Both programs have made significant impact in supporting the development, growth, and learning of educators of color. The centering and honoring of future educators of color in a predominantly White space through structural investment in these two ways embodies the spirit of anti-bias/anti-racist pedagogies and practices that support the diversity of P-12 educators in California.

In 2019, Cal Poly hired 13 tenure-track professors to focus on inclusive teaching strategies, in a move known as a diversity, equity and inclusion-focused cluster hire. Hear from some of these professors, located across four colleges, as they describe the courses they created.

Duke University, Title IX, 50th anniversary (September 29, 2022)

Title IX literally changed the face of higher education. It remediated the exclusion of education from the earlier Civil Rights Act and made sex discrimination in education illegal. For many of women, affirmative action got our foot in the door, and Title IX allowed us to stay by giving us recourse when we faced harassment and discrimination in the tenure process. But enforcement took unexpected turns when athletics, not at all envisioned by the bill's creators, became the main focus. After initial floundering, the government created compliance protocols for athletics, and only for athletics. Much progress has been made, but even in athletics, as the dramatic disparity in the NCAA bubble last year showed, there is much work to be done. And the question of why STEM seems to have benefited so little from Title IX and whether Title IX could be used more effectively in STEM and related fields remains to be answered.

1:30 PM - Introductory remarks by Provost Sally Kornbluth

1:45 PM - Panel 1: Background - Where we've come and how we got here with Deondra Rose (Duke), Elizabeth 'Libby' Sharrow (U Mass), and Miray Seward (Duke '14, Ph.D. Virginia, Search Institute)

3:30 PM - Panel 2: Title IX and STEM - Can Title IX change STEM? A moderated discussion and Q&A with Sherryl Broverman (Biology/Global Health), Whitney McCoy (Child and Family Policy), Kisha Daniels (Program in Education), and Tina Cheuk (California Poly-SLO); Katherine 'Katie' Newhall (UNC Math)

5:30 PM - Panel 3: The Way Forward - A student forum on Title IX & STEM Moderated discussion led by student panel.

Profile covers EDUC403: Developing Educators of Color (Spring course).

All Things STEM Podcast-Cal State University (June 2022)

In this podcast with Dr. Frank Gomez, we talk about my work engaging teacher of color, and the development of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in STEM settings​.

COVID Care Crisis Symposium Part 2 (Imagining solutions and taking action) June 16-17, 2022 (virtual)

This second symposium seeks to take stock of COVID responses and to re-envision the workplace, to imagine the future of work, and to dream new realities for the academy. Plenary Session (June 17, 2022). LINK to agenda.

Live radio interview on KCBS Radio where I discuss the implications of Assembly Bill 2881. (Time 1:20 pm, April 18, 2022)

Check out my short live interview on KCBS radio!

Link to audio from the station (4:27):  [it should play after the pop up add runs.]

Link to Quicktime audio:

Cal Poly News article on our Spencer Small Grant (Educators of Color) (April 8, 2022)

Cal Poly News article covering our Spencer Foundation Small Grant with Educators of Color.  LINK to article. 

Heteropatriarchy & Academia: Clayman Institute for Gender Research

March 9, 2022. 4 pm virtual talk at The Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University. I will be in conversation with book author Nicole Lynn Lewis.

Pregnant and Parenting Students in California: A look at the CSU system

Pregnant and parenting students often don’t see their needs and circumstances reflected in course policies and accommodations. What are the biggest challenges faced by this student population? Who is ultimately responsible for ensuring pregnant and parenting student success, and how is the California State University System doing in supporting them?

Join us on February 24th as we explore the current state of pregnant and parenting students in California and identify pathways that can help them succeed.

Outstanding Faculty Innovator in Student Success, Cal Poly nominee for Cal State (2022)

Congrats to all of the nominees!

Research that Makes a Difference: Social Justice, Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities at Cal Poly (Feb 2022)


Jay Bettergarcia, College of Liberal Arts

Tina Cheuk, College of Science & Mathematics

Anurag Pande, College of Engineering

Jane Lehr, College of Liberal Arts

Amber Williams, College of Liberal Arts

Trish Brock, Research, Economic Development & Graduate Education


Corrin Terrones, Grants Development, R-EDGE

Julie Dolengewicz, Grants Development, R-EDGE

Allie Walter, Office of the Vice President, R-EDGE 

Congrats to Master's Degree student Ashlee Hernandez on her awarded proposal to the Baker/Koob Endowment for 2019-2020! (Jan 2020)

Cal Poly School of Education HECSA student Ashlee Hernandez has been awarded a competitive grant form the Baker/Koob Endowment to support her proposal titled, "Leveraging the CPX initiative towards sustainable academic and life outcomes for pregnant and parenting students".

Stanford GradEd Champion (Nov 15, 2019)

I discuss the work of Mothers in Academia and Student Parent Alliance during my graduate school tenure at Stanford. 

Book Talk and Celebration. Sponsored by LEEP & RREG at Stanford Graduate School of Education (January 29, 2019)

Online Book Talk with Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (January ELD Collaborative)

Tina Cheuk and Robin Hoecker describe their advocacy efforts on behalf of grad students who are also parents and what they learned in the process.  Published online November 6, 2018.

Interview conducted by Stanford GSE doctoral candidate Jennifer Altavilla.

English Learner Leadership & Legacy Initiative (ELLLI), August 3-6, 2018.

I spent four days with 50 other fellows at the EL Advocacy Institute aimed at building a new generation of English learner leaders and advocates in California. This is a Californians Together project in collaboration with the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE).

Photo: Giselle Navarro-Cruz (Cal Poly-Pomona), Consuelo H. Williams (Ventura County Office of Education), Anaida Colon-Muniz (Chapman University), Sophia Ángeles (UCLA), & Elsie Solis-Chang (Point Loma Nazarene University).

The "Wolves" at ESERA Summer School, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Summer, 2018).

I spent a week in Jyväskylä, Finland with fellow doctoral students who research science education. Summer school was hosted by the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA). 

Photo: Caspar Geraedts (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Kirsi Ikonen (University of Eastern Finland), Alexandra Jansky (University of Vienna), Ines Komor (University of Duisburg-Essen), Anna Koumara (University of Ioannina) & Helin Semilarski (University of Tartu). 

Coaches: Ellen Henriksen (University of Oslo) & Lukas Rokos (University of South Bohemia).

Eight students recognized with Lyons Awards for university service by Stanford News (May, 2018)

Awarded for my work supporting student parents at Stanford.


2018 Community Impact Award Recipients from Stanford Alumni Association (Spring 2018)

Awarded for my work supporting student parents at Stanford.

Awarded for my work supporting student parents at Stanford.

Graduate School of Education Student Guild Awards (Spring, 2018)

Awarded by peers for my work to support graduate student mothers at the Graduate School of Education.

Outcomes of four years of direct advocacy work of the Student Parent Alliance & Mothers in Academia, two networks I have co-founded.

Press Release of CPRE Policy Brief on School Vouchers (March, 2018).

Collaboration with Associate Professor Rand Quinn University of Pennsylvania GSE and the Survey Lab of American Values at Stanford.

Student Parent Alliance work highlighted by Stanford Alumni Instagram page (Spring, 2018).

Mothers in Academia work highlighted by Stanford Community (Spring, 2018).

Stanford Parent Alliance & Mothers in Academia work highlighted by Stanford Graduate School of Education Instagram page (Spring, 2018).

Student parents say Stanford can do more for them, feature article in Stanford Daily Magazine (Fall 2017).

Small Wins: A Mothers’ Group in the Academy, published in Inside Higher Ed (Summer 2017).

The child care squeeze for Stanford grad students, published in Palo Alto Weekly (March, 2017)

Features my early advocacy efforts using the media to advance a social justice agenda for graduate student and postdoc families.