Tina Cheuk

Scholar - Teacher - Activist

Assistant Professor at the School of Education, California Polytechnic State University

Pregnant & Parenting Students Belonging & Thriving Framework (updated July 2023)

Developed by Tina Cheuk.

Suggested citation: Cheuk, T. (2023). Pregnant and parenting students belonging and thriving framework.  https://sites.google.com/view/tinacheuk/home 

More information about this work can be found: www.studentparentjoy.org

Framework adapted from:

1. Bridging & Belonging: https://belonging.berkeley.edu/bridging-belonging

2. Six Key Components of Two-Generation Approaches: https://ascend.aspeninstitute.org/2gen-approach/

3. Bridge to Thriving Framework. K. Darling-Hammond (2022).

Tina Cheuk is an assistant professor of Elementary Science Education at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo as part a Diversity Cluster Hire supporting the university's values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  

She is a mother scholar, educator, and advocate focused on empowering and imagining futures that sustain and cultivate the learning, growth, and success of minoritized groups in postsecondary education. For much of her career, she has focused most intently on issues that include the development of culturally and linguistically diverse learners in STEM settings, the struggles, assets and possibilities of teachers of Color across the pipeline, and student activism work that transforms institutions toward more equitable and just learning spaces. Her advocacy work considers how policy and resources — or their lack thereof — contribute to the alienation and erasure of student mothers (and student parents at large) in higher educational spaces. She earned her B.S. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of Chicago and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Education Policy from Stanford University.

Her research is in the area of teacher education, science education and student parents (including activism & advocacy). See RESEARCH for description of work.