Stream 1:  Human-AI Collaboration, AI Policy, AI Applications & AI Methods

Wen Wang, Siqi Pei, and Tianshu Sun (2023) "Unraveling Generative AI from A Human Intelligence Perspective: A Battery of Experiments",  Major Revision, Information Systems Research

Bowen Lou, Hongshen Sun and Tianshu Sun, "GPTs and Labor Markets in the Developing Economy: AI, Geography and Policy", Under Review

Wen Wang, Zhenyue Zhao, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "GPT-doctor: Customizing Large Language Models for Medical Consultation", Under Review

Wen Wang, Mochen Yang, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "Human-AI Co-Creation in Product Ideation: the Dual View of Quality and Diversity",  Under Review

Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun, Consumer Search and Dynamic Preference: A Deep Structural Econometric Model, Major Revision, Management Science

-- Best Conference Paper Finalist, CIST 2023

Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun (2023) “Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach” (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2020, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Grant 2021, CIST 2021),  Forthcoming, Management Science

Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, Ravi Bapna and Tianshu Sun (2021) “A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects”, MIS Quarterly, 45(4), 1807-1832 

Mingxuan Yue, Tianshu Sun, Fan Wu, Lixia Wu, Yinghui Xu and Cyrus Shahabi (2020) “Learning Contextual and Topological Representations of Areas-of-Interest for On-Demand Delivery Application”, Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Machine Learning 

Mengxia Zhang, Tianshu Sun, Lan Luo and Joe Golden (2020) “Consumer and AI Co-creation: When and Why can human Improve AI Creation?”, Under Review

Matteo Sesia and Tianshu Sun, "Individualized Conditional Independence Testing under Model-X with Heterogeneous Samples and Interactions",  Under Review

James Enouen, Tianshu Sun and Yan Liu, "Measuring, Interpreting, and Correcting Algorithm Unfairness using Randomized Experiments", Working Paper

Stream 2: Value of Personal Data (in E-commerce, Search Engine, Offline Retail, Social Networks, and Logistics)

(Value of Personal Data for Consumer Search) “Understanding the Impacts of De-personalization in Search Algorithms: A Field Experiment with a Large Online Platform”, with Yuxin Chen, Zhe Yuan and AJ Chen, Major Revision, Marketing Science

(Value of Personal Data for SME Growth) Zhe Yuan, Yitong Wang, Tianshu Sun, and Huilan Xu, "The Value of Firm Data for SME Growth: A Natural Experiment on Democratizing Data Analytics Product in E-Commerce",   Under Review

(Value of Personal Data in E-commerce) Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang, Jun Xu (2020) The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy, Forthcoming, Management Science

-- Presented/Scheduled at Harvard, MIT,  U Chicago, CMU, NYU, UCLA, USC, BU, UT Austin, UMN, UBC, Purdue, Tsinghua, etc.

(Value of IoT Data in Retail) Xing Lan, Tianshu Sun, Jason Duan (2019) “Uncovering Offline Conversion Funnel with Internet-of-Things: the value of IoT data in Retailing Industry”, (Marketing Dynamics 2018, CIST 2018, ISMS 2017, POMS 2019, SCECR 2019), Major Revision, Information Systems Research

(Value of Social Data in Network Growth) Tianshu Sun and Sean Taylor (2020) “Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 237-271.

-- Winner of Dick Wittink Prize (Best Published Paper in QME 2020),  Proceedings in ACM EC 2019

(Value of Package Data in Offline Logistics) Brian Rongqing Han, Leon Yang Chu, Tianshu Sun, Lixia Wu (2020)  “Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses”, (WISE 2019 Best Student Paper), Major Revision, Management Science

(Value of Personal Data in Recommendation and Search)  Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun (2024) "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment", Forthcoming, Information Systems Research

(Data Network Effect)  "Algorithm-defined Data Network Effect: Simulated and Field Experiments", with Leng Yan (WISE 2022)

(Value of Firm Data for SME Growth) "The Value of Firm Data for SME Growth: A Natural Experiment on Democratizing Data Analytics Product in E-commerce", with Zhe Yuan and Yitong Wang (WISE 2022) 


Report on Data Value, Data Privacy and Data Regulation:

Patrick Bolton, Long Chen, Bengt Holmström, Eric Maskin, Sir Christopher Pissarides, Michael Spence, Tao Sun, Tianshu Sun, Wei Xiong, Liyan Yang, and et al. (2021) “Understanding Big Data: Data Calculus in the Digital Age".  Luohan Academy Report 

Stream 3:  Data Privacy & Consumer Choice

Ni Huang, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, Joseph Golden “Not Registered? Please Sign-up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex-ante Registration Request”, Information Systems Research, 32(3), 914-931  (Equal Contribution)

Aishwarya Deep Shukla, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Ritu Agarwal and Tianshu Sun (2021) “Do Nudges and Privacy Control Affect eWOM Quantity and Quality? Evidence from Physician Reviews”, Major Revision, Journal of Marketing 

Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun (2022) "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment", Major Revision, Information Systems Research