Stream 1: Field Experiment Methods & Causal Inference

Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, Ravi Bapna and Tianshu Sun (2021) “A Prescriptive Analytics Framework for Optimal Policy Deployment using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects”, MIS Quarterly, 45(4), 1807-1832

Yicheng Song and Tianshu Sun “Ensembling Experiments to Optimize Customer Journey: A Reinforcement Learning Approach” (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2020, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Grant 2021, CIST 2021), Minor Revision, Management Science

Matteo Sesia and Tianshu Sun, "Individualized Conditional Independence Testing under Model-X with Heterogeneous Samples and Interactions", Under Review, Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)

Xinze Du, Yingying Fan, Jinchi Lv, Tianshu Sun and Patrick Vossler (2021) “Dimension-Free Average Treatment Effect Inference with Deep Neural Networks”, Major Revision, Journal of Econometrics

James Enouen, Tianshu Sun and Yan Liu, "Measuring, Interpreting, and Correcting Algorithm Unfairness using Randomized Experiments", Working Paper

“IBASE: Adaptive Causal Inference by Integrating Big Data and Small Experiment”, with Jinchi Lv (Adobe Faculty Research Award 2017-2018)

Report on Digital Experimentation:

Ravi Bapna, Gordon Burtch, Yili Hong, Tianshu Sun, Jason Thatcher, "Lab experiment and field experiment in the digital age: Friend or foe?" Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018)

Stream 2: Field Experiments on Social Interactions & Online Referrals & Word-of-Mouth

Tianshu Sun and Sean Taylor (2020) “Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 237-271.

-- Winner of Dick Wittink Prize (Best Published Paper in QME 2020), Included in the Proceedings of ACM EC 2019, Talks at Facebook, LinkedIn, Snap, CODE/MIT, Wharton, CMU, BU, ASU, CUHK, KAIST, PKU, Tsinghua, Jiaotong

Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2021) “Creating Social Contagion through Firm Mediated Message Design: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, Management Science, 67(2), 808-827.

-- Best Dissertation Proposal (Runner-up), WITS 2015; Best Paper (Finalist), CSWIM 2015; Best Student Paper (3rd Place), INFORMS Service Science Society 2014; Winner, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Research Competition 2014

Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Ni Huang and Elena Zheleva (2020) “Designing Promotional Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments, MIS Quarterly, 45(2), 789-820

JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph Golden and Tianshu Sun (2020) (All contribute equally)Words Matter! Towards Pro-social Call-to-Action for Online Referral: Evidence from Two Field Experiments”, Information Systems Research, 31(1), 16-36.

-- Knowledge@Wharton; Best Paper Finalist & Best Paper in E-Business, ICIS 2016

Tianshu Sun, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ginger Zhe Jin (2019), “Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment”, Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2945.

-- Best Paper, CIST 2015; Best Paper (Honorable Mentions), INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR 2015; Best Student Paper (Finalist), WHITE 2015

Ni Huang, Tianshu Sun, Pei-yu Chen and Joseph Golden (2019) “Word-of-Mouth System Implementation and Customer Conversion: A Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(3), 805-818.

-- Best Paper (Finalist), ICIS 2017; Best Paper, ICIS E-Business Track 2017, CIST 2017

JaeHwuen Jung, Tianshu Sun, Ravi Bapna, and Joseph Golden (2020) “Social Learning in Prosumption: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment” (SCECR 2017, WISE 2017, ICIS 2018), Major Revision, Management Science

Aishwarya Deep Shukla, Guodong (Gordon) Gao, Ritu Agarwal and Tianshu Sun (2021) “Do Nudges and Privacy Control Affect eWOM Quantity and Quality? Evidence from Physician Reviews”, Major Revision, Journal of Marketing

Stream 3: Field Experiments on Omnichannel Retail

Tianshu Sun, Lanfei Shi, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2019) “Motivating Effective Mobile App Adoption: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(2), 523-539.

Brian Rongqing Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Yang Chu, Lixia Wu “Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from The Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba” (CODE 2018, WISE 2018, ICIS 2019, SCECR 2019), Forthcoming, MIS Quarterly

Brian Rongqing Han, Leon Yang Chu, Tianshu Sun, Lixia Wu (2020) “Commercializing the Package Flow: Cross-sampling Physical Products Through E-commerce Warehouses”, (WISE 2019 Best Student Paper), Major Revision, Management Science

Ruomeng Cui, Zhikun Lu, Tianshu Sun, Joseph Golden (2020) "Sooner or Later? Promising Delivery Speed in Online Retail", (ICIS 2021 Best Paper in "Digital and Mobile Commerce"), Major Revision, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Stream 4: Field Experiments on Data Value, Data Privacy and AI

Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang, Jun Xu (2020) The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-Stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy, Forthcoming, Management Science

Ni Huang, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, Joseph Golden “Not Registered? Please Sign-up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex-ante Registration Request”, Information Systems Research, 32(3), 914-931 (Equal Contribution)

Zhe Yuan, AJ Chen, Yitong Wang, and Tianshu Sun (2022) "How Recommendation Affects Customer Search: A Field Experiment", Major Revision, Information Systems Research

Mengxia Zhang, Tianshu Sun, Lan Luo and Joe Golden (2020) “Consumer and AI Co-creation: When and Why can human Improve AI Creation?”, Under Review

“Personal Data Regulation and Consumer Search under Algorithm: A Field Experiment”, with Yuxin Chen, Zhe Yuan and AJ Chen