The Zoological Association of Burdwan


The Zoological Association of Burdwan

Saratpally (Near Golapbag)

Purba Bardhaman-713 104

West Bengal, INDIA

[Registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act-XXVI of 1961, Registration Number: S/65988 of 1990-1991 Dated September 19, 1990]

Message from Prof. Subrata Roy, Hon’ble President

The Zoological Association of Burdwan since it's inception has served both academic and scientific community through establishment of a well equipped library and also through arrangements of popular and scientific talks, seminars and teaching programmes. It also fulfilled it's other social responsibilities by providing teaching equipments to some institutions and also by felicitating the noted zoologists for their contributions.

Message from Dr. Manabesh Majumdar, General Secretary

It's a great pleasure to present the website of our Association, the Zoological Association of Burdwan before the academic community. Our motto is to promote better education in Zoology and in broader sense Biology. We also set up relief camps with focus on epidemics and pandemics. We are also running Professor J. N. Medda Memorial Library for the benefit of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of Zoology.

Founder President: Prof. Deb Kumar Chowdhuri

"বর্ধমানের সন্তান তুমি

ভালোবাসো ভূমিটিরে

তাইতো বসালে বিদ্যাপীঠের এ আপন বক্ষ চিরে"..........পদ্মশ্রী রমারঞ্জন মুখোপাধ্যায়