Interviewing the Angel of Health

Navigating the Complex Journey of Weight Loss and Well-being with the Angel of Health

Welcome to the Procrastinate Podcast! I'm Katy Andrews, and today we have a special guest, Angel, a transformational coach specializing in effective weight loss methods. In this episode, we delve into Angel's personal journey and the psychology behind her coaching approach.

Getting to Know Angel

Before we dive into Angel's transformative journey, let's learn a bit more about her. Angel is a dedicated weight loss coach with a passion for helping women achieve healthy, sustainable weight loss. 

She's also a psychology student, aspiring to venture into psychotherapy. Beyond her professional pursuits, Angel has a deep interest in exploring the psychology of religious experiences, immersing herself in the works of luminaries like Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche.

A Journey of Transformation

Angel's path to becoming a weight loss coach began with a health crisis. Three years ago, she started experiencing troubling symptoms, including swollen feet and debilitating migraines. After a battery of tests, it was revealed that Angel had an endocrine disorder, setting her on a journey of drastic lifestyle changes.

The Turning Point

For Angel, the turning point came when she realized she couldn't continue on this path. The side effects of medication and the toll on her daily life were overwhelming. 

Determined to regain her health, she embarked on a quest for sustainable weight loss. Her doctor's advice to lose just 10% of her body weight sparked a desire for lasting change.

The Challenges Faced

Angel's journey wasn't without its share of challenges. As she navigated the world of weight loss, she grappled with the overwhelming sea of information and advice. 

Crash diets, extreme restrictions, and bouts of fasting became unsustainable, exacerbating her hormonal imbalance and mental well-being.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Weight loss, for Angel, was more than just shedding pounds. It was about reclaiming her health and well-being. The emotional ties to her journey were profound. She recognized the need to address not only the physical aspect but also the emotional connection to her goals.

The Influence of Psychology

As a psychology student, Angel's approach to coaching is deeply rooted in understanding the emotional aspects of weight loss. She recognizes that for many, the journey is entwined with emotions, be it a desire to reclaim a former self or overcome stress-induced eating habits.

Navigating Cravings and Emotional Eating

One of Angel's most significant challenges was confronting emotional eating and stress-induced cravings. This unexpected hurdle forced her to introspect and develop strategies to cope with these behaviors. It's a journey that continues to this day, as she evolves alongside her clients.

The Power of Accountability

Angel's coaching style is holistic, recognizing that weight loss is not just about physical transformation but also a mental and emotional one. She provides the invaluable gift of accountability, a support system that many individuals crave on their journey towards better health.


Angel's journey from health crisis to transformational coach is an inspiring testament to the power of perseverance and self-discovery. Her story is a beacon for those navigating the often challenging path of weight loss and well-being. Through her coaching, Angel aims to empower others to embark on their own transformative journeys, armed with knowledge, self-awareness, and the unwavering support they need to succeed. Remember, the power to change lies within you, waiting to be unlocked.

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Katy Andrews 

The Wandering Coach Limited

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