Student Category (Bronze)

Inspired by: Tauke Shamay from May in December

Dear Tauke Shamay,

Hi Miss Shamay, hope you are in the pink of health. I also same with you absolutely like the flower, we have the same resonance. Because I know receiving flowers, whether they are sent from another person or you bought them for yourself, can give you an immediate mood boost. A flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms.

That's all for now. Hope we can meet at future. Thank you.

Designed by Pang Kah Mei, 16, Perak

Dear Tauke Iza,

Hearing your story about starting BakedKL is so touching. The fact that you wanted to give your young nephew a way to indulge in sweet treats despite his allergies was so sweet of you.

You’re truly inspiring and you really took a risk with leaving your previous job to be your own boss. But like you said, it was worth the risk.

You managed to provide and feed thousands of people and provide them a different avenue of sweet delights that perhaps weren’t so accessible to them beforehand.

You are such a kind and selfless individual and I’m sure that you are someone your family and all of us can be proud of.

Thank you for recognising the importance of mental health as well as serving your customers quality baked goods.

Wishing the best for you!

Designed by Cheyenne Yeung Yeu-Yeynn, 18, Kuala Lumpur

Inspired by: Tauke Iza from BakedKL

Inspired by: Tauke Wai Yan from Evermore Flowers

Dear Tauke Wai Yan,
我从小就是个很喜欢做手工,一直想把这门手艺发展为我的事业。可是,就像您在影片所讲的一样,"大多数的亚洲父母都觉得艺术是不能赚钱的“。因此,我只好不得已地听从父母的话,选择了商业学。看了您在Tauke Talks的影片后,我得到超多的启发。我想尝试在毕业后,像您一样创业,放远自己的视野,坚持把这份事业做到最好。再来,我也从您的影片中学到了时间管理的重要性,每个人都有 24小时,就看人怎么好好去善用时间来办事。在创业时,我们要更努力、坚持、有纪律和永不放弃地去完成自己的梦想。希望未来的我可以像您一样成为出色的企业家!

Designed by Liew Pei Yi, 17, Selangor

Dear Tauke Anis,

For the first time I saw your business Instagram's account, I was impressed. I admire your talent and I could tell your hardwork you put on your business. By seeing the pastel-coloured cream decorations, it really turn me from a couching potatoes into a complete beginner of baker. I really want to bake a cake that also spread loves, just like yours. And I try for my first time to bake -chocolate sponge cake. I was over the moon when my mom said it was really delicious and she crave for more. Even I just decorate it with whipping cream, I am satisfied with the outcomes. Thank you so much, for inspires me to come out of my comfort zone. Well, it is risky but also rewarding at the same time.

Designed by Hennylisa Johnny@Hendry, 17, Sabah

Inspired by: Tauke Anis from Sugar Loads

Inspired by: Tauke Atiyah from Jaroom

Dear Tauke Atiyah,

I hope you are reading this. Your last tauke talks, really give me inspired and motivate me that never give up with your dream. Its been almost 1 year, i learn to sew clothes and sell it, but I didnt get much supoort . But u motivate me that nothing is impossible. Now, i will try my best to make a beautiful design of clithes. So yeahh, thank you very muchh with your motivation!

Designed by Amal Wardah Fariha, 16, Sarawak

Dear Tauke Fya, <3

Bonjour, tauke. I'm Evana, and I'd say we're somewhat alike in because I'm a major cat lover and consider myself to be rather the artsy type. I've always aspired toward being successful, but I've always struggled. Nevertheless, after hearing your talk, I've learned that in order to get the greatest results, we must always do trial and error. One of several things you've urged me to be doing is to get out of my comfort zone for the better. As a youngster, your speech had a substantial influence on me. I'm hoping to start my own side business in the near future! Tauke Fya, thank you!!

with admiration, evana.

Designed by Esma Evana Batrisya, 16, Selangor

Inspired by: Tauke Fya from Hakoneko

Inspired by: Tauke Surina from BACA

Dear Tauke Surina,

Hi Miss Surina, hope you are in the pink of health. Now, ebook is popularize and paper book getting less.Books have the power to transport us to new worlds and different times, but they can also take us back to the important moments in our own lives. I really like that functions as a small cafe which serves coffee and light snacks. I love the smell of book ink in the morning.This environment is so suitable to enjoy reading. Then, I also admire that you have visited many book store and shared the experience to us. I draw the snail to relate with my experience and your talk give me a appreciation. Although the snail moving was slow, but it can enjoy the moment.

That's all for now. Hope we can meet at future. Thank you.

Designed by Pang Kah Mei, 16, Perak

Dear Tauke Azlan Alladin,

First of all, I am very inspired and passionate after listening to your inspirational speech and stories. I was attracted to your business because of the dairy-free products that you made. As a vegan to be, I am really amazed by how the products, which is Kelava Ice Cream were invented and presented. In addition, it's dairy-free and plastic-free at the same time, wow! Also, thanks a lot for spreading the knowledge and influence others to be vegan! I love the efforts behind making those products. Anyways, I am from Sarawak and I hope I could taste some of your ice cream one day. In my head, I'm thinking about the combination of the Salty Gula Melaka and Ais Batu Campur's toppings must have tasted great. Thanks again, I have some ideas in mind about dairy-free products for my future business! I'm hoping more audiences will reach out to your business, it's so great! Wishing for the best. That's all from me, bye!



Designed by Aldrin Lynsey, 16, Sarawak

Inspired by: Tauke Azlan from Kelava

Inspired by: Tauke Anis from Sugar Loads

Dear Tauke Anis,

How is your business going? I hope everything are great.

I watched your TaukeTalk series, and I would say that I am inspired by your courage and confidence in quitting your work as a chef abroad to do online business in Malaysia. If I were you, I would think a thousand time to quit my job because during this day, it is quite difficult to get a job and a stable income. This shows that you are a really great risk taker. I like your words where you say, “If they can do it, I can do it too”. Yes, we know that there are lots of businesses selling the same things as you, but we should not think that our business won’t go far due to the numbers of competitors. All we need to do is to find ways on how to be different from others. For example, you said that you try to upgrade things that are in the market or bring out a whole new thing. It's like giving me the spirit to achieve my dream of opening a cafe in the future. Another quote from you that give me a booster to start my own business is “trust the process and go with it”.

I wish you all the best in your business and everything that you do. I will definitely try your cake one day! ❤️

Designed by Muhammad Farihin, 17, Malacca