Street Fighting

Street Fighting is a grim sport, and not for the faint hearted. 

It is as illegal as any street activity can be. 

Street fights are bloody and violent. There are no strict rules that everyone agrees on, and fatal outcomes are not a rarity here to gasp at.
While raw and wild, this sport has grown quite a few traditions and each "Ring" often possesses its own "etiquette" and untold guidelines that participants are better to be aware of.

A community of people involved in shedu street fighting is a very secretive one. One can not get into it from the street just by their own whim.
Each shedu owner and their cat should prove themselves in "pits" first.
Pits are low tier street fighting events. They are set rather spontaneously in seemingly random places. Anyone can enter their cat in such an event.
So it is easy to get into the pit, but that also means that pits are busted quite often. So you need to take care of your means of swift escape in advance. Just to be safe.

Fights hosted at "pits" are bloody, gory, unsupervised fights. And yet you would be a naive person to think that these are not being watched by the right people.

Because if your cat shows themselves in the pits well and you prove yourself as a reliable member of  "sporting community" and don't raise any suspicions,  sooner or later you will receive an invitation to one of the  "Rings".
The Ring is where true street fighting begins. Serious people, higher stakes, stronger cats. That is a first step to the Major League. 

Very few make their way there. Most of the fighters are stuck in pits till their deaths.
Ring - is a collective name for a set of fights (they might be held in one or several different places, depending on the owner of the ring). The Ring is supervised, sponsored and owned by a gang or a single person with their fingers (and claws) dug deep into the flesh of organized crime of various sorts. The owner of the Ring dictates the rules and makes sure they are followed.

Fights in the Rings are still gory and bloody,  but places get fancier and the presence of black vets makes the whole ordeal seem a little bit less savage and a bit more prestigious. Though the feel of the latter certainly is better conveyed by the mind blowing winning purses of such fights in the top tier level.
But you won't see anything of it if your cat is just strong and aggressive by its nature. It might be enough for a couple of rounds in pits.

If an owner wants to still own a cat beyond one round and reach true heights with their cat, strict training is very important. 

Cats are taught to fight each other into submission through very gory means. 

There is a high chance of an injury that lasts beyond the fight, and if a cat is not trained to stop, death is possible.


Reroll a bad roll for fatal injuries in shedu street fighting competitions. “Know your cat” section will give additional points in some of the street shedu fighting competitions including several scores that will affect the cat’s final score in competition.

 ***Training before entering any sort of street fighting is highly recommended for safety of all parties involved. 

Conditions: Street fighting training is highly illegal. Training must clearly be taking place in some place away from prying eyes. In a basement; surrounded by high secure walls; and surely not anywhere that a cat could get loose. These cats are trained to be highly dangerous animals and should be treated as such.


(5 images total)

Street Fighting - Know Your Cat :


(8 images total)


These sets of prompts are not mandatory to participate in Shedu events. However, if completed, they will give your cat noticeable benefits: 

Each completed set linked to a specific discipline will cancel out the roll for the following hazards of shows in that specific discipline:

** Initial roll is the mandatory roll that will take place at an official event. A completed SFT makes sure your team will pass those. However in some competitions or disciplines there are additional rolls for mishaps. SFTs will not protect from those. You will need to acquire special gear and/or make proper choices to avoid those. 


Literature: 450 words per task (In English or Russian language)

Art: Clean coloured sketch/ 50% + body/ Handler (50%+ visible)*/ BG + other elements if required by the particular task.


Gather your entries and comment to this LOG :


Don`t forget to link the references of the handler and the Shedu being trained!