
Shedus have many different "Events" of which they may partake in. From training all the way up to full blow careers, and maybe some back alley runs along the way.

For the ease of players, we have listed them all below with links to their respective pages and additional information!

Basic training for cats to help make them safer to handle and help give them an edge in competitions they're trained for. Available for OERS cats, though Streetbred cats may only complete Core Training as of now.

For the ease of players, we have complied the different Event Disciplines ( and the Stats that correlate to them ) available to be seen in different Group Run shows, as well as shows by members and more!

Some competitions can result in varying degrees of injury to your cat. Here is an outline of each level of injury and their effects.

There are plenty of opportunities for exploration in the SheduVerse. Check these out so your characters can see more of the world they live in, and maybe even find some loot too!

The official racing circuit open to any OERS cat with the necessary traits to compete within it.

The other side of the IFS racing where illegal races of all shapes and sizes are held. Any cat is able to participate in streetraces to win some exciting prizes and bragging rights, just don't get caught!

While the group has opportunities for shows and competitions, we love for our members to host their own also! Have an awesome show idea or want a competition to enter your cat into?

Check out the #community-shows channel in our discord to see what people have running!

Official Group run Shows as those such as, but not limited to ;
The Komainu Festival (Kmas), The Shedu's Asian-Cat Festival (SAF), Amun-Ra Chariot Run, and more coming soon!