The Ryu Line

Information coming soon... 

[404: Calculating Lore/History]

Kage has a strong will and is steadfast - this cat is set in his ways and will only listen to someone he respects. A humble cat that carries himself with grace seen in the royalty of old. This cat is hard to anger but once he does loose his temper he is like a raging tempest, an earthquake ripping the earth asunder and a tsunami crashing and leaving chaos and destruction within its wake. Kage is a companion that will want affection on his own time when he seeks it - he gives respect to those that give him respect. He is a cat that communicates with a look and body language over vocal communication.

Base Information

[404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+1 Strength, +1 Intelligence, +1 Stamina

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- This lineage is noted to actively produce the most full body Colored Chimeras in the world.

- The Ryu lineage is known as the first ever to official carry the "Rorschach Split" Pattern.

Suffix rules :

- Direct Offspring (Sons/Daughters) must carry the suffix ;  'no Ryu'
'no Ryu' translates to ; 'of the Dragon'

Breeding Rules : 

- Direct Offspring (Sons and Daughters) must have a Japanese name.

- A cat can only ever breed with any cat (Asian or Classic shedu) once - no multiple litters.
This is due to Ryu line males forming a lasting bond with familiar females and will reject to cover another female (except the female he has fixated on) without veterinarian intervention.
Follows the myth of the Dragon (the sign of the Emperor) was the mate to the Phoenix (sigil to the Queen and wife of the Emperor) in Chinese and Japanese culture.)

- No close inbreeding! All relations that receive inbreeding penalties are prohibited as Line standard.

Ryu Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :