Session 8

Session 8: A Knock at the Door

Played on 4-6-22

Upon returning back to the Raven after along day, the party was greeted with a knock at the front door in the middle of the night. As they opened the door they came to see Ash standing in the rain. He claimed to come in peace and with a warning; to stay out of his way. He also advised the party to give up, leave, and enjoy what time they had left with each other. He seemed genuine and honest in what he said, but was abruptly interrupted by the front doors of the raven being blasted off of their hinges.

A humanoid figure entered, mechanical, but with nothing organific. This figure was a sentinel. She walked in and spoke directly to Ash, calling him Dear. As she walked in, followed by 6 mutated humanoids behind her, the party got a better look at her. Her metal form was in poor condition. The left hand complexly missing, its surface tarnished and a tangles mess of wires atop her head which at one point may have resembled hair. This figure misses no time and jumps straight into her "fun" and attacked the party.

Amid this bloody battle Pierre trying to help rushed into the field. While he did prove himself to be getting more and more competent with his wooden sword he did cause several members of the party to take significant damage while protecting. Once on his last legs Pierre also surprised the party with both his shockingly powerful breath weapon, as well as Pierre actually managing to cast a spell. Several party members fell, albeit briefly, during this fight as well. However, this sentinel figure seemed particularly interested in Kewaa. When Kewaa fell, she did not waste time in grabbing onto her body. She cast a spell that opened some sort of gate, and stepped through.

Throughout this fight, the mutated humanoids seemed to have another goal in mind. Three objects were placed around the lobby of the Raven and more of these same objects were seen on the other figures. After seeing this, the party decided it was best to evacuate the building. One by one the party made its way into the streets, all except for Seere who ran upstairs to save Marie. Seere grabbed Marie in his arms and leaped out of the third story of the Raven just as the planted objects explode. These strategically placed explosives managed to take out the majority of the structural support for the ground floor of the Raven. So as the party stood in the street unsure of where their friend went, and watched the Raven crumble to the ground.